Apex Legends
Apex Legends Eclipse trailer shows Catalyst abilities in action
Apex Legends has dropped its initial trailer for Eclipse, showing Catalyst’s interesting abilities...
Divided Moon will likely be next map in Apex Legends
The upcoming Apex Legends map Divided Moon is likely tied to Seer’s lore. Now players must head...
Catalyst’s voice actress and story revealed for Apex Legends Season 15
Respawn Entertainment has shared information about Catalyst, a new trans legend with extremely interesting...
Who’s Catalyst in Apex? Everything we know about the goth legend
Catalyst is rumored to be the next legend in Apex Legends, slated for Season 15. Hunted marked the...
Apex Legends developers looking to nerf game’s “scan meta”
Apex Legends players are frustrated with the scan meta, something that developers have stated they...
Leak gives first look at new Season 15 Apex Legends map
A new map is coming to Apex Legends in Season 15. Thanks to a leak, players have caught their first...
aceu responds to ongoing cheating allegations in Apex Legends
Is aceu cheating in Apex Legends? Many people think so but aceu has finally responded to the accusations...
How to join a Z League battle royale tournament
If you’re a casual battle royale player looking to compete in a tournament despite not being...
Crypto joins Apex Legends Mobile with tweaked abilities, new perks
Crypto hasn’t been the most exciting character in Apex Legends for some players, but the intel-gathering...
Crypto confirmed as next legend in Apex Legends Mobile
Respawn has accidentally confirmed Crypto as the upcoming legend in Apex Legends Mobile. Apex Legends...