Valve asks Dota 2 players for help with Spring Cleaning Update

Reading time: 2 min

Another Dota 2 Spring Cleaning Update is coming in 2022, but the competitive MOBA is too buggy for Valve to handle alone.

Valve has announced its intention to push another Spring Cleaning Update for Dota 2. As part of the announcement, Valve has asked Dota 2 fans to list bugs and performance issues that need to be addressed. This is the latest in a long history of Spring Cleaning Updates aimed at improving Dota 2’s performance and user-friendliness. Several bugs and quality of life changes should come to Dota 2 sometime in April or May.

On March 4, 2022, Valve software developer Eric Lieberman posted on social media announcing the intended maintenance update. In the official thread, Lieberman requested players submit information regarding current Dota 2 bugs that need to be fixed. The request was further reposted by other major figures at Valve.

The Spring Cleaning Update aims to fix more than just unintentional bugs. The original post asked for any requested changes to the following five areas.

  • Gameplay Bugs
  • Cosmetic Bugs
  • UI Bugs (in the HUD and in the dashboard)
  • Text/tooltip Bugs
  • Small Quality of Life feature requests

What will change in the 2022 Dota 2 Spring Cleaning Update?

The most popular Dota 2 Spring Cleaning requests discuss the recently adjusted mute function and tooltip functionality. Players have been very vocal about the mute function which was added in 7.30. It currently includes the option to report but requires much more effort to mute than the previous one-click solution.

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The other popular request is more information on the in-game tooltips for Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard. Most heroes only get a short blurb describing the effect with no visible info for cooldown, duration, effect strength, and more. Popularity does not necessarily guarantee that a certain request will make it into the upcoming Spring Cleaning Update. It will, however, nearly guarantee that Valve developers notice the issue.



