
Russia is suing Twitch for $57K, here’s why

By Olivia Richman


Jan 31, 2023

Reading time: 1 min

Twitch is being fined by the Russian court for $57,000.

Twitch, a streaming platform owned by Amazon, refused to take down allegedly fake information surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The information revolved around civilian casualties and other sensitive information. The court also noted that Twitch didn’t remove an interview with Mark Feigin and Ukranian Presidential office Alexei Arestovich.

On January 31, a judge in Moscow imposed a fine on Twitch for refusing to remove this information from the streaming platform. The judge told the court that Twitch was being fined roughly $56,669 for being “guilty of an administrative offense.”

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There is no further information on the case at the moment. Twitch hasn’t offered any public statements over the fine, but that is to be expected. Twitch also had nothing to say when Guy “Dr Disrespect” Beahm sued them over his permanent ban. The legal dispute reached a settlement later on but the reason is still unknown.

Why is Twitch getting fined?

This time around, Twitch is being fined for refusing to take down information that Russia deemed false regarding the invasion of Ukraine. But this isn’t the first time Twitch has been in trouble.

Twitch was sued earlier this year by an Israeli company that felt Twitch was using video technology that infringed on theirs. B.S.D. Crown Ltd accused Twitch of violating its rights in a patent that was related to changing bandwidth availability to adjust the quality of live-streaming audio and video. The company previously sued Apple and Microsoft for infringing on the same patent, but dropped its disputes.