
QTCinderella reveals close encounter with sex trafficking scam

By Olivia Richman


Aug 3, 2022

Reading time: 2 min

Twitch streamer Blair “QTCinderella” recently opened up about a terrifying sex trafficking scam she nearly fell for.

Streamer Awards founder QTCinderella has 768,000 followers on Twitch thanks to her likeable personality and consistent gameplay streams. She has often been outspoken about her experience as a female content creator, including run-ins with stalkers, harassment, and now apparently a sex trafficking scam. QTCinderella appeared with scam expert Kitboga to discuss the scary situation.

QTCinderella reveals scary run-in with sex trafficking scam

Kitboga is known for pranking scammers, sometimes livestreaming his hours-long phone conversations with desperate and exhausted scam artists. While entertaining and satisfying for people sick of getting the calls themselves, Kitboga also highlights the more sinister side of scams to educate viewers, which can include sex trafficking.

QTCinderella told Kitboga that she was called while at work by someone who she believed to be someone from the IRS. The alleged representative claimed she owed a large amount in back taxes and would be arrested if it wasn’t immediately addressed.

The scammer knew significant personal information about QTCinderella revealed they were even tracking her cell phone. They told her to drive to her town’s federal courthouse, giving step-by-step instructions on how to get there, and she claimed that she was told not to hang up.

QTCinderella said that the call accidentally dropped, which was what ultimately saved her from a potentially dangerous situation. After the phone call dropped, QT went up to the bailiffs at the courthouse and said she was scared of being arrested. But security told her that this was a common tactic used by scammers who would get women into a parking garage, drag them into a vehicle, and then sell them into human trafficking.

Kitboga had some insight into the scam, explaining that scammers want you to “act quickly and not think.” If she had more time to think, QTCinderella likely would have realized that the attempt at victimizing her was just that.