Ninja rages over Fornite lightsabers, demands Epic remove them

By Olivia Richman


Jan 5, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

Fortnite streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is joining fans in demanding Epic Games vault lightsabers early. 

During a recent livestream, Ninja ran into a lightsaber-wielding opponent who easily outmaneuvered the famous Mixer streamer thanks to the limited time weapon’s teleportation glitch. Upon being eliminated in the end game, Ninja lost his patience. 

“Bro, what the fuck. He’s not even on me!” Ninja yelled. 

Ninja’s duo partner, Mason “Symfunhy” Lanier, added that he was “legit phased into the floor” the whole time, calling the situation “wack.” 

“Dude, just get the fucking lightsabers out of the game man,” Ninja responded. “Like, we had fun, but just get them out. It’s almost two weeks of lightsabers. Get them out of the game now, we get it. They can block infinite damage basically and they’ve been bugged since they came in. Like that guy was not even in front of me and he literally lunged away from me and hit me for 150. What do I do there? Come on, get them out.” 

Ninja added that lightsabers have been a boon for farming, but even that isn’t enough for him to support the overpowered and bugged weapon staying in the game any longer. 

Fortnite community calls lightsabers broken 

Ninja is not alone in his complaint. Ever since the Star Wars event at Risky Reels, Fortnite players have been calling for the lightsaber to be nerfed or just taken out of the game entirely. The lightsaber’s ability to block damage and teleport players who wield it has resulted in players calling the weapon “game breaking.” 

The lightsaber is set to be vaulted at the end of the Star Wars event on January 7, but not even Ninja wants to wait the extra two days for the weapon to be taken out of the game. While it’s nowhere near as overpowered as the B.R.U.T.E. developer Epic Games added in Season X, Fortnite fans don’t want to endure the two more days of unfair encounters with lightsabers. 

Even Fortnite players who usually dislike Ninja couldn’t help but agree with him on YouTube following his outburst. 

“Much as he complains I can agree. I’ve had lightsaber battles and the dude flings forward off bridge mid-swing then appeared behind me for a 150 swing… It’s broken,” one player commented. 

Others reminded the Fortnite community that Ninja had previously said he loved the lightsabers. Around that same time in December, Ninja had also he wanted the controversial and overpowered Infinity Blade brought back as well. It seems Ninja has changed his mind significantly since then, and his own untimely deaths have a lot to do with it.