Ninja frustrated with Fortnite bugs, begs Epic Games for fixes

By Olivia Richman


Jan 8, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

Fortnite superstar Tyler “Ninja” Blevins may be against bad-mouthing popular battle royale Fortnie on social media, but that hasn’t stopped the streamer from raging over the game recently during live broadcasts. 

Ninja was playing with Timothy “TimTheTatman” Betar when he started noticing some major bugs in the early game. While talking about TimTheTatman getting a tattoo on his “nut sack,” Ninja started looting. But soon the discussion changed from Tim’s pain tolerance to Epic’s battle royale. 

“Bro! Why is my game freezing?” Ninja exclaimed. “God, bro. Dude, I’m freaking out right now. Fortnite is falling apart. Devs have gone, they haven’t updated their game once. Apparently, the game slowly just deteriorates when there aren’t updates.” 

The Mixer personality went on to list lag, freezing, FPS drops, and bricking as the big issues he’s continued to come across throughout the holidays. 

“Dude, come home. Update the game. At least send half your guys back,” Ninja told Epic Games. 

A bit later on, Ninja and his partner came face to face with eight teams. He started to rage when he was shot down, and both he and TimTheTatman seemed to blame the game for their 8th-place finish. 

“I’m just not having fun, dude. I’m just not,” Ninja said. 

“I’m not having fun,” TimTheTatman responded. 

Even though Tim tried to lighten the mood after their elimination, Ninja wasn’t having it. He rubbed his temples and appeared beyond frustration despite Tim’s “donkey laugh” impersonations.

Ninja was apparently so aggravated that he wasn’t even spectating the match once he was eliminated. Tim went on to explain what was happening in-game, telling Ninja that someone was still storm holding despite another team pulling onto their dropped loot on Ninja’s old build within the zone. 

“Lots of fun, man,” Ninja said. “Add mobility into this game, please.” 

Ninja still not happy with Fortnite

Earlier this week, Ninja demanded that Epic Games vault the lightsaber early due to the overpowered weapon’s teleportation bug. There was no response from Epic over continued complaints from pros and the casual Fortnite community alike, most likely because the lightsaber was set to be vaulted today anyway. 

Even with the lightsaber finally retired, it seems that Fortnite is still not in a good state in the minds of many top players. There are still a lot of bugs and glitches affecting players like Ninja, most likely due to a lack of updates over the holidays. 

Update v11.40 is coming soon, but players aren’t quite sure when it will officially drop. Some are speculating that it will be tomorrow, while others feel it will January 14. This was the case last year, when Epic’s development team took four weeks off near the holidays.