Here are all Achievements in Town of Salem 2
Town of Salem 2 is now available for early access. The game introduces some interesting changes, including new game modes and roles. Keep track of your progress with all the achievements in Town of Salem 2.
Achievements are milestones that players reach the more they play the game. In Town of Salem 2, there are a total of 426 total achievements.
Town of Salem 2 character achievement list
In Town of Salem 2, the achievements are divided into role-specific achievements and general ones.
- Adoration: Win your first game as an Admirer.
- Idiolize: Win 5 games as an Admirer.
- Cherish: Win 10 games as an Admirer.
- Worship: Win 25 games as an Admirer.
- Oblivious: Win your first game as an Amnesiac
- Forgetful: Win 5 games as an Amnesiac
- Clouded Mind: Win 10 games as an Amnesiac
- Blackout: Win 25 games as an Amnesiac
- Chaperon: Win your first game as a Bodyguard
- Safeguard: Win 5 games as a Bodyguard
- Protector: Win 10 games as a Bodyguard
- Warden: Win 25 games as a Bodyguard
- Priest: Win your first game as a Cleric
- Healer: Win 5 games as a Cleric
- Diviner: Win 10 games as a Cleric
- Elder: Win 25 games as a Cleric
- Medical Examiner: Win your first game as a Coroner
- Autopsy: Win 5 games as a Coroner
- Postmortem: Win 10 games as a Coroner
- Coroner’s Report: Win 25 games as a Coroner
- Divine Protector: Win your first game as a Crusader
- Righteous Fury: Win 5 games as a Crusader
- Devotion: Win 10 games as a Crusader
- Deus Vult: Win 25 games as a Crusader
- Deputize: Win your first game as a Deputy
- Lieutenant: Win 5 games as a Deputy
- Commissioner: Win 10 games as a Deputy
- Second-In-Command: Win 25 games as a Deputy
- Detective: Win your first game as an Investigator
- Gumshoe: Win 5 games as an Investigator
- Private Eye: Win 10 games as an Investigator
- Sherlock Holmes: Win 25 games as an Investigator
- Prison Warden: Win your first game as a Jailor
- Correctional Officer: Win 5 games as a Jailor
- Locked Up: Win 10 games as a Jailor
- Penitentiary: Win 25 games as a Jailor
- Sentry: Win your first game as a Lookout
- Eagle Eye: Win 5 games as a Lookout
- Hawk: Win 10 games as a Lookout
- Sentinel: Win 25 games as a Lookout
- Supervisor: Win your first game as a Mayor
- Ambassador: Win 5 games as a Mayor
- Executive: Win 10 games as a Mayor
- Command And Chief: Win 25 games as a Mayor
- Emperor: Win your first game as a Monarch
- Royalty: Win 5 games as a Monarch
- Sovereign: Win 10 games as a Monarch
- Aristocrat: Win 25 games as a Monarch
- Attorney: Win your first game as a Prosecutor
- Litigator: Win 5 games as a Prosecutor
- Indictor: Win 10 games as a Prosecutor
- Blow the Whistle: Win 25 games as a Prosecutor
- Clairvoyant: Win your first game as a Psychic
- Prophet: Win 5 games as a Psychic
- Soothsayer: Win 10 games as a Psychic
- Oracle: Win 25 games as a Psychic
- The Avenger: Win your first game as a Retributionist
- Vengeance: Win 5 games as a Retributionist
- Revitalize: Win 10 games as a Retributionist
- Reanimate: Win 25 games as a Retributionist
- Fortune Teller: Win your first game as a Seer
- Mystic: Win 5 games as a Seer
- Fortune-Teller: Win 10 games as a Seer
- Palm Reader: Win 25 games as a Seer
- Enforce The Law: Win your first game as a Sheriff
- Marshall: Win 5 games as a Sheriff
- Constable: Win 10 games as a Sheriff
- Detective: Win 25 games as a Sheriff
- Espionage: Win your first game as a Spy
- Sleuth: Win 5 games as a Spy
- Undercover Agent: Win 10 games as a Spy
- CIA: Win 25 games as a Spy
Tavern Keeper
- Inebriated: Win your first game as a Tavern Keeper
- Sloshed: Win 5 games as a Tavern Keeper
- Plastered: Win 10 games as a Tavern Keeper
- Wasted: Win 25 games as a Tavern Keeper
- Low Jack: Win your first game as a Tracker
- Pathfinder: Win 5 games as a Tracker
- Trail Chaser: Win 10 games as a Tracker
- Bloodhound: Win 25 games as a Tracker
- It’s a Trap!: Win your first game as a Trapper
- Bear Trap: Win 5 games as a Trapper
- Hunter: Win 10 games as a Trapper
- Master Trapper: Win 25 games as a Trapper
- Deceiver: Win your first game as a Trickster
- Conniver: Win 5 games as a Trickster
- Swindler: Win 10 games as a Trickster
- Charlatan: Win 25 games as a Trickster
- Battle-Hardened: Win your first game as a Veteran
- Soldier: Win 5 games as a Veteran
- Warrior: Win 10 games as a Veteran
- Sergeant: Win 25 games as a Veteran
- Mercenary: Win your first game as a Vigilante
- Vigilante Justice: Win 5 games as a Vigilante
- Smoking Gun: Win 10 games as a Vigilante
- Judicatory: Win 25 games as a Vigilante
- Constructor: Win your first game as a Conjurer
- Inventor: Win 5 games as a Conjurer
- Fabricator: Win 10 games as a Conjurer
- Formulation: Win 25 games as a Conjurer
Coven Leader
- Occultist: Win your first game as a Coven Leader
- Dark Magician: Win 5 games as a Coven Leader
- Charmer: Win 10 games as a Coven Leader
- Diabolist: Win 25 games as a Coven Leader
- The Nightmare: Win your first game as a Dreamweaver
- Insomnia: Win 5 games as a Dreamweaver
- Restless: Win 10 games as a Dreamweaver
- The Bringer of Insanity: Win 25 games as a Dreamweaver
- Enthrall: Win your first game as an Enchanter
- Charm: Win 5 games as an Enchanter
- Hypnotize: Win 10 games as an Enchanter
- Mesmerize: Win 25 games as an Enchanter
Hex Master
- Spellslinger: Win your first game as a Hex Master
- Accursed: Win 5 games with a Hex Master
- Hocus Pocus: Win 10 games with a Hex Master
- Abracadabra: Win 25 games with a Hex Master
- Hallucination: Win your first game as an Illusionist
- Mirage: Win 5 games as an Illusionist
- Optical Illusion: Win 10 games as an Illusionist
- Deceptive Imagery: Win 25 games as an Illusionist
- Bad Luck: Win your first game as a Jinx
- Nemesis: Win 5 games as a Jinx
- Misfortune: Win 10 games as a Jinx
- Black Cat: Win 25 games as a Jinx
- Gaze of Stone: Win your first game as Medusa
- House of Rock: Win 5 games as Medusa
- Dust to Dust: Win 10 games as Medusa
- The Gorgon: Win 25 games as Medusa
- Raise Zombie!: Win your first game as a Necromancer
- Army of the Dead: Win 5 games as a Necromancer
- Day of the Dead: Win 10 games as a Necromancer
- Zombie Apocalypse: Win 25 games as a Necromancer
- Silent but Deadly: Win your first game as a Poisoner
- Poison Beverage: Win 5 games as a Poisoner
- Toxic: Win 10 games as a Poisoner
- Miasma: Win 25 games as a Poisoner
Potion Master
- Alchemist: Win your first game as a Potion Master
- Eye of Newt: Win 5 games as a Potion Master
- Vial Juggler: Win 10 games as a Potion Master
- Elixor of Victory: Win 25 games as a Potion Master
- Black Magic: Win your first game as a Ritualist
- Dark Arts: Win 5 games as a Ritualist
- Witchcraft: Win 10 games as a Ritualist
- Blood Ritual: Win 25 games as a Ritualist
Voodoo Master
- Mumbo Jumbo: Win your first game as a Voodoo Master
- Bad Juju: Win 5 games as a Voodoo Master
- Speechlessness: Win 10 games as a Voodoo Master
- Silence: Win 25 games as a Voodoo Master
- Ferocious: Win your first game as a Wildling
- Predator: Win 5 games as a Wildling
- Devourer: Win 10 games as a Wildling
- Apex: Win 25 games as a Wildling
- Domination: Win your first game as a Witch
- Puppet Master: Win 5 games as a Witch
- Marionette: Win 10 games as a Witch
- Warlock: Win 25 games as a Witch
- Pyromaniac: Win your first game as an Arsonist
- Firebug: Win 5 games as an Arsonist
- Incendiary: Win 10 games as an Arsonist
- Ifrit: Win 25 games as an Arsonist
- Droughtbringer: Win your first game as a Baker
- Starvation: Win 5 games as a Baker
- Moldy Bread: Win 10 games as a Baker
- Grain Shortage: Win 25 games as a Baker
- Bloodshed: Win your first game as a Berserker
- Warfare: Win 5 games as a Berserker
- Onslaught: Win 10 games as a Berserker
- Blitzkrieg: Win 25 games as a Berserker
- Cataclysm: Win your first game as a Doomsayer
- Calamity: Win 5 games as a Doomsayer
- Destiny: Win 10 games as a Doomsayer
- Prediction: Win 25 games as a Doomsayer
- Firing Squad: Win your first game as an Executioner
- Guillotine: Win 5 games as an Executioner
- Hangman: Win 10 games as an Executioner
- Iron Maiden: Win 25 games as an Executioner
- Joker: Win your first game as a Jester
- Clown: Win 5 games as a Jester
- Prankster: Win 10 games as a Jester
- Lunatic: Win 25 games as a Jester
- ARG!: Win your first game as a Pirate
- Plunder: Win 5 games as a Pirate
- X Marks the Spot: Win 10 games as a Pirate
- Edward Teach: Win 25 games as a Pirate
- Diseased: Win your first game as a Plaguebearer
- Infectious: Win 5 games as a Plaguebearer
- Virulent: Win 10 games as a Plaguebearer
- Pestilent: Win 25 games as a Plaguebearer
Serial Killer
- Lonely Killer: Win your first game as a Serial Killer
- Murderer: Win 5 games as a Serial Killer
- Psychopath: Win 10 games as a Serial Killer
- Sociopath: Win 25 games as a Serial Killer
- Cloak: Win your first game as a Shroud
- Veil: Win 5 games as a Shroud
- Shadow: Win 10 games as a Shroud
- Shade: Win 25 games as a Shroud
Soul Collector
- Extinction: Win your first game as a Soul Collector
- Oblivion: Win 5 games as a Soul Collector
- Grim Reaper: Win 10 games as a Soul Collector
- Shinigami: Win 25 games as a Soul Collector
- Sharp Claws: Win your first game as a Werewolf
- Lycan: Win 5 games as a Werewolf
- Wild Beast: Win 10 games as a Werewolf
- Mauled: Win 25 games as a Werewolf
Town of Salem 2 general achievement list
The general achievements in Town of Salem 2 are completed when you win games and complete certain tasks.
- Win your first game of Town of Salem 2
- Win 5 games of Town of Salem 2
- Win 10 games of Town of Salem 2
- Win 25 games of Town of Salem 2
- Win 50 games of Town of Salem 2
- Win 100 games of Town of Salem 2
- Win 250 games of Town of Salem 2
Adept of the Town
- Win with all of the Town roles
Savant of Magic
- Win with all of the Coven roles
Savant of Neutrality
- Win with all of the Neutral roles
Town of Salem Expert
- Win with every role
Close Call
- Be acquitted by a tie vote
- Have a game last 10 days
The Perfect Town
- Win with all Town members still alive
The Perfect Coven
- Win with all Coven members still alive
- Win by Day 2
- Be the last player alive
Will You Be Mine?
- Propose To Someone
Falling In Love
- Have Your Proposal Accepted
- Have Your Proposal Declined
Forgetful Healer
- Remember You Were A Cleric
Distracted Constable
- Remember You Were A Sheriff
Absent-Minded Politician
- Remember You Were A Mayor
I’ll Save You!
- Successfully protect someone from being attacked
- Have your bulletproof vest save you from death
Tango Down
- Kill the Coven Leader while protecting someone
Blessed Recovery
- Protect someone from being attacked
Divine Shield
- Protect yourself from being attacked
Prayer of Mending
- Protect 3 people in one game
- Autopsy a body
DNA Evidence
- Find the killer of your Autopsy
Master of Dissection
- Find 3 killers in a game
Holy Vengeance
- Attack someone who visited your target
Blessing of Protection
- Protect 3 people
Holy Boon
- Visit the same target as Jinx and kill them
- Shoot someone during the day
Apocalyptic Defense
- Shoot someone who doesn’t die
Taken Care Of
- Shoot a Jester
No Evidence
- Find someone to be innocent
Finger Prints
- Find someone to be guilty
Wasted Night
- Investigate someone in Jail
- Successfully execute someone
Flawless Executioner
- Execute 3 Non-Town members in a game
Making The Right Choice
- Execute a Serial Killer
I See You
- Watch someone visit your target
It’s A Party
- Have 5 or more people visit your target
Prison Watchguard
- Attempt to watch someone in Jail
Bureaucratic Leadership
- Reveal yourself as the Mayor
Scales of Justice
- Vote guilty on a Coven member while revealed
Due Process
- Vote innocent on a Town member while revealed
Champion of the Town
- Knight a player
Stacked Jury
- Knight a revealed Mayor
Risky Strategy
- Knight a revealed Town Lover
- Prosecute someone
Triumphant Prosecution
- Prosecute a Non-Town member
Heartbreaking Justice
- Prosecute a revealed Non-Town Lover
Supernatural Vision
- Have a psychic vision
Not Looking Good
- Have a vision with no good players left
The Gift of Sight
- Have 10 visions in a game
Once More Sherlock
- Resurrect an Investigator and find a killer
Vigilante’s Redemption
- Resurrect a Vigilante and kill a Non-Town
Unholy Crusade
- Resurrect a Crusader and protect someone from an attack
Birds of a Feather
- Find two people to be the same faction
Opposites Attract
- Find two people to be in different factions
Broken Crystal Ball
- Have one of your targets be in Jail
- Find someone to be suspicious
Not Suspicious
- Find someone to not be suspicious
Assisted Interrogation
- Be controlled into a suspicious player
Sleep It Off
- See someone get roleblocked
Operation: Dominion
- See someone get controlled
Voodoo Spy
- See someone get silenced
Let’s Party
- Successfully roleblock someone
Drinking With A Psychopath
- Be killed by the Serial Killer you roleblocked
Party of One
- Roleblock yourself
How Is That Possible?
- See your target visit two players
This Is Awkward
- See your target visit you
What Are You Up To?
- See your target visit a dead player
- Place a trap
- Kill a Non-Town player with your trap
Busy Night
- See 5 or more roles trigger your trap
Risky Maneuvers
- Trick a Serial Killer into attacking someone else
Even War Can Be Deceived
- Trick War into attacking someone else
Take Your Plague Elsewhere
- Trick Pestilence into attacking someone else
- Attack 5 or more people in one night
Weathered Soldier
- Kill three Non-Town members
Proficient Paranoia
- Use all Alerts without killing a Town member
- Shoot someone
Perfect Shot
- Shoot three Non-Town
Controlled Weapon
- Shoot someone on night one
Rival Gunslinger
- Kill a Deputy during the day
Unwise Reveal
- Kill a Mayor during the day
Dealt With
- Kill a Bodyguard during the day
The Matriarch
- Win without dying
Protection of the Necronomicon
- Survive a Vigilante’s attack
A Dirty Trick
- Attack yourself at night
Unsound Mind
- Make a player go Insane
Triple Insomnia
- Have 3 players be Insane at the same time
Knight of Nightmares
- Have an Insane Monarch Knight you
Master of Deceit
- Enchant 5 players in a game
Altered Testament
- Alterate a Last Will
Marshal’s Will
- Forge a Sheriff Last Will
The First of Many
- Hex a player
Don’t Fear The Reaper
- Place a Hex on Death
- Win by Hexing every town member
- Cast an Illusion 5 times in a game
Assist The Leader
- Cast an Illusion on the Coven Leader
No More Protection
- Jinx a Cleric
Double Ambush
- Jinx a Crusader
Why Are You Here?
- Jinx a Vigilante
Risky Play
- Stone a Veteran
Hide The Evidence
- Stone a Sheriff
Could’ve Been Anything
- Stone an Amnesiac
Rampage Once More
- Reanimate a Werewolf on a Fullmoon
Shadow Mending
- Reanimate a Cleric to protect a Coven member
Reanimated Hexplosion
- Reanimate a Hex Master and Hex the final player
Ineffective Brew
- Die to a Serial Killer you roleblocked
Out of Cures
- Kill a Cleric with Poison
Paranoia Can’t Save you
- Have a Veteran on Alert die to Poison
Bottle Juggler
- Use all 3 Potions
Critical Information
- Reveal a Horseman of the Apocalypse
- Heal a Coven member
No Guessing Required
- Perform a Blood Ritual on a revealed Mayor
Guaranteed Success
- Perform a Blood Ritual on a revealed Prosecutor
Unlimited Power
- Perform a Blood Ritual on two Town Lovers
Sewn Shut
- Silence someone
Peace and Quiet
- Silence 5 people in a game
Sworn to Secrecy
- Silence a Sheriff
Red Alert
- See a Town member visit a Coven member
Nature’s Observer
- See 5 Town members visit players in one night
Sixth Sense
- See 3 Town members visit you in one night
Two Birds, One Stone
- Control a Vigilante to shoot another Town member
Double-Edged Sword
- Control a Town member into an Alerting Veteran
Controlled Elevation
- Control a Monarch to Knight a Coven member
Disco Inferno
- Ignite 5 or more people in one night
Blazing Penetentiary
- Ignite someone who is in Jail
Feast or Famine
- Become Famine, Horseman of the Apocalypse
Swift Famine
- Become Famine by night 4
Bars Cannot Stop Famine
- Survive a Jailor’s Execution
Famine Ravages The Town
War Emerges
- Become War, Horseman of the Apocalypse
Racing To War
- Become War by night 4
The Art of War
- Kill 5 players in one night
The Town’s Cataclysm
- Doom 3 Town members
Calamity of the Coven
- Doom 3 Coven members
Neutral Catastrophe
- Doom 3 Neutral players
Quick Execution
- Get target hung by day 2
Execute the Leader
- Hang a Coven Leader as your target
Double Jeopardy
- Hang a Jester as your target
Not Taking Sides
- Haunt a Coven Leader
Prosecution Backfired
- Haunt a Prosecutor
- Haunt a revealed Mayor
On a Roll
- Win two duels in a row
Avoided Retaliation
- Win duel against a Serial Killer
- Lose 6 duels in a game
A God Among Us
- Become Pestilence, Horseman of the Apocalypse
- Fight a Bodyguard and survive
Abrupt Pandemic
- Become Pestilence by Day 3
Dexter Morgan
- Kill the Jailor who jailed you
- Kill two people in one night
Bay Harbor Butcher
- Kill 5 people in one game
Stalker’s Victim
- Shroud your target and kill a player
- Make a Town member die to a Bodyguard
- Make a Town member die to a Trap
Death Itself
- Become Death, Horseman of the Apocalypse
Expeditious Death
- Collect 6 souls by Day 4
Total Obliteration
- Kill at least 6 players with Armageddon
- Kill the Jailor who jailed you
- Attack 5 or more players while staying home
Slicing Up The Coven
- Kill the Coven Leader
Consolation Prize
- Be killed on the first night
Protect the Book Wielder
- Illusion a Coven member who has Necronomicon
- Douse 3 visitors in one night
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