Vici Gaming coach fined for profane rant

By Neslyn Apduhan


Dec 18, 2018

Reading time: 1 min

Vici Gaming’s coach is banned from live streaming and has received a fine of ¥100,000, the equivalent of almost $15,000 USD.

Bai “rOtK” Fan was involved in what was deemed to be an “unprofessional act” by his organization.

After finishing a live stream, the Vici Gaming coach forgot to turn off his camera and microphone. He then began talking to another person about his recent monetary bet made on the MegaFon Winter Clash.

rOtK claimed to have lost ¥50,000 from betting on the match against PSG.LGD and Na`Vi. He also made profane remarks regarding PSG.LGD players.

The coach posted his side of the story on Weibo. He offered that he hadn’t placed the bet himself, but rather advised a close friend to bet on PSG.LGD. “Trust me. If you lose, I will bear half of your losses,” rOtK claimed to have said.

The coach further said that he had not intended to insult PSG.LGD players, and that they commonly call each other “bastards” and “dogs” when speaking casually in person. He apologized if his words caused negativity in the Dota 2 community.

Vici Gaming investigated the incident and found no irregularities in the recent bank activities related to betting in their coach’s account. The organization provided screenshots of rOtk’s bank account to prove that there had been no such transactions.

However, they also emphasized that rOtk failed to demonstrate the expected of professionalism required by his position at Vici Gaming. A financial penalty was immediately imposed to rOtk for his behavior.

Vici Gaming apologized to the public and to members of PSG.LGD, and said that they will continue to investigate the incident.  


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