Svenskeren might soon be playing for C9 again, and here’s why

By Nicholas James


Mar 15, 2022

Reading time: 2 min

Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen has joined Cloud9 in the LCS as a substitute jungler, and fans might soon see C9 Svenskeren on the LCS stage once again.

Svenskeren was one of many promising pro players who found themselves without a team coming into the 2022 LCS Spring Split. Cloud9 has picked up the free agent following his time spent on Evil Geniuses, which ended in early 2022 when he and teammate Lee “Ignar” Dong-geun were both dropped from the organization.

Why is Svenskeren on C9?

Cloud9’s 2022 spring split has been anything but what the organization originally expected, which may explain some of why C9 Svenskeren is becoming a name that fans might see on their screens. The team doubled down on Nick “LS” DeCesare as it picked him up for the position of head coach heading into the split. At the same time, it made the decision to import three separate players on his recommendation, Park “Summit” Woo-tae from the LCK in top lane, Kim “Berserker” Min-cheol as their main bot laner, and Kim “Winsome” Dong-keon as a support substitute.

LS was suddenly released from Cloud9 during the third week of play, and the team has had its fair share of inconsistencies since then. Svenskeren was well-known for being an excellent enabler for mid laners such as Greyson Gregory “GoldenGlue” Gilmer during his previous time with the organization. Svenskeren and GoldenGlue formed a jungle-mid duo that alternated with Robert “Blaber” Huang and Nicolaj “Jensen” Jensen.

While there’s no mid lane substitute rotating in at this time, Svenskeren could be a more measured alternative to Blaber if playoffs matches go long. Blaber has become a more consistent player since he and Svenskeren last shared a roster, but Svenskeren still has some appeal as a sub.

Should Svenskeren see play, it would likely be as a temporary measure in response to decreased stability from the main roster. Svenskeren will still be able to field offers from other teams during his time with Cloud9.


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