mousesports looks to replace karrigan as contract nears its end

By Fariha Bhatti


Jan 12, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

mousesports’ in-game leader Finn “karrigan” Andersen is exploring other options as his contract’s end approaches. The German organization has confirmed that karrigan is free to seek out new opportunities. 

mousesports’ contract with karrigan ends in March, which has left many questions on the player’s future with the team. Given karrigan’s success with mousesports it is possible he will return to the team, but he is looking into other possibilities before putting pen to paper. 

“We have been in talks with karrigan in regards to a new agreement, He asked us for more time, as it’s a big decision for both of us,” mousesports’ Chief Business Development Officer Jan Dominicus told HLTV.

The organization doesn’t seem to be overly confident that karrigan will return. Dominicus confirmed that the organization has already initiated its search for a suitable replacement in anticipation of karrigan’s final verdict. 

“We’re of course exploring other options to be prepared in case Finn wants to try something different.” He said. 

The rifler entered mousesports’ roster in March 2019 after spending a few months on FaZe Clan’s bench. His addition to mousesports strengthened the rising team and resulted in first-place finishes at ESL Pro League Season 10, cs_summit 5, and many more. karrigan polished the budding roster into a threat against elite teams and helped mousesports to one of its best years in history.  

Though karrigan isn’t known for his gunslinging skills, the scarcity of in-game leaders in the market should make him a hot free agent. If mousesports can’t lock him down once again, it could be a tough hit for the team. 

Will karrigan return to FaZe Clan?

It seems that karrigan is already in talks with other organizations, as suggested by The Clutch’s earlier report. The IGL was rumored to be returning to FaZe Clan’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive division. karrigan was at the helm of FaZe Clan from 2016 to 2018 and helped the team win a number of tournaments, albeit without ever securing a CSGO major championship.

Reports of this major move have been circulating for some time now. FaZe has been without a captain since the departure of Nikola “NiKo” Kovač, who was transferred to G2 Esports in 2020. Marcelo “coldzera” David hasn’t effectively captained the team, resulting in an ugly skid in late 2020. A proven in-game leader in karrigan could be the final piece to bring FaZe to the heights that have long eluded the team. 

Should karrigan return to FaZe, he will rejoin Håvard “rain” Nygaard in FaZe. Adding karrigan would also allow Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer to continue to his break, and free coldzera to become a playmaker once again.

A karrigan return to FaZe Clan does make a good bit of sense, but there’s no guarantee it will happen as of yet. Expect a definite answer on karrigan’s future to come before the spring.


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