Maya sexual assault

Maya responds to accusations of covering up sexual assault

By Fariha Bhatti


Sep 22, 2022

Reading time: 3 min

Twitch Streamer Maya Higa has responded to Adrianah Lee and Trainwreck’s accusations of a sexual assault cover-up in 2020. 

The ItsSliker gambling scam has snowballed into a whole other controversy involving former partners Maya and Mizkif. The feud began when Zack “Asmongold,” among others, demanded that gambling be banned from Twitch in the light of the recent ItsSliker scam. Trainwreck responded that his friends, including Mizkif, were using the situation to wage war against him. The argument soon turned personal, with Trainwreck alluding to Mizkif’s involvement in Adrianah’s sexual assault involving CrazySlick in 2020. 

According to Trainwreck, Maya and Mizkif had “blackmailed and railroaded” unnamed girls to cover up an alleged sexual assault. Adrianah took to Twitch to back Trainwreck’s claims, accusing Maya and Mizkif of downplaying her sexual assault by their friend CrazySlick in 2020. 

“I was told, ‘It’s okay! Just come out about it so we don’t have to kick Slick out. We’ll come to a middle ground so we don’t have to kick Slick out. You’ll be fine!” AdrianahLee said. 

The streamer further said that the Twitlonger was a diluted version of an attempt to paint CrazySlick in a neutral light. She also played a video of Mizkif labeling the incident as “low-scale,” sexual harassment that no one “gave s—” about.

Maya responds to accusations of assault cover up

Maya took to Twitch to address the situation, denying intentionally covering up the incident. The streamer claimed that a natural power dynamic existed due to her being a more popular streamer, but she didn’t impose her feelings or opinions on Adrianah Lee’s Twitlonger. According to her, she asked whether Adrianah Lee was sexually assaulted and wanted her to clarify it in the Twitlonger. 

“I asked her if she thought that Slick raped her or sexually assaulted her. And at the time, she said no,” Maya said.

AdrianahLee’s Twitlonger did clearly mention that Slick didn’t rape or sexually assault her, which Maya likely suggested be included. However, AdrianahLee now apparently feels that she was coerced into making light of the sexual assault incident due to CrazySlick’s relationship with Maya and Mizkif. 

Maya also said she’ll be speaking to Adrianah off the stream to clear the air, while Mizkif hasn’t yet responded to the situation. Conversely, CrazySlick has completely denied assaulting Ardianah, claiming he was merely checking her for a pulse. The streamer has also noted that he’d be seeking legal help in the meantime.