FaZe Clan reveals #FaZe5 challenge, looks for content creators

By Olivia Richman


Aug 26, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

FaZe Clan is an esports organization, but it’s also known for its prominent content creators and streamers. 

According to a recent Twitter post, FaZe Clan has introduced the FaZe5 Challenge. The organization is looking for five new content creators to officially join their team. 

While FaZe Clan has Call of Duty and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive teams, they have gained additional popularity thanks to the content creators signed to the organization. This includes deaf, female Fortrnite streamer Soleil “Ewok” Wheeler, Fortnite pro Josue “FaZe Sway” Sway, and even the team’s sometimes controversial owner, Ricky Banks. FaZe Banks has even made the gossip rags in mainstream media for his wild antics, including causing over $30,000 in damages to a hotel room.

FaZe Clan also recently signed on NBA star Ben Simmons as a content creator. 

While FaZe Clan is not necessarily requiring that potential streamers cause controversy, there’s no question that being a part of FaZe Clan will help content creators to really get their name out there. 

How to enter the #FaZe5 Challenge

Streamers don’t have to destroy a hotel room or have a famous girlfriend to join FaZe Clan. But what exactly are the requirements? Fortunately for those interested, it’s nothing too crazy. 

Potential content creators should go to FaZe Clan’s FaZe5 website. There’s not much written there, so the organization hasn’t given any hints as to what they are specifically looking for, but it’s safe to say FaZe Clan is looking for people with a strong following, creative content, or both. The only restrictions are that content creators must be over the age of 13 and have some type of social media account established. 

The form for content creators has more options available than just Twitch and YouTube. FaZe Clan also has options for sharing Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok accounts. This could mean that gamers and streamers aren’t the only types of content creators that FaZe Clan is looking for.