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Every Pokemon to catch in Pokemon Sleep

Pokemon Sleep is the latest way to capture Pokemon, this time by, well, sleeping. Here are all the Pokemon you can catch in your sleep.

Pokemon Sleep was first announced in 2019, said to track your sleep and provide rewards for keeping on a healthy schedule and experiencing deep sleep. The mobile app has mixed reviews, but trainers can’t help but want to catch ’em all, even when they are catching some ZZZs.

All Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep

Pokemon Sleep is finally out, and trainers are now aware of all the Pokemon they can collect. The collection comes from multiple generations, so you’ll find a wide variety of Pokemon to add to your Pokedex.

Bulbasaur Dozing
Ivysaur Dozing
Venusaur Dozing
Charmander Snoozing
Charmeleon Snoozing
Charizard Snoozing
Squitle Slumbering
Watortle Slumbering
Blastoise Slumbering
Caterpie Dozing
Metapod Dozing
Butterfree Dozing
Rattata Snoozing
Raticate Snoozing
Ekans Dozing
Arbok Dozing
Pikachu Snoozing
Raichu Snoozing
Jigglypuff Snoozing
Wigglytuff Snoozing
Diglett Snoozing
Dugtrio Snoozing
Meowth Snoozing
Persian Snoozing
Psyduck Dozing
Golduck Slumbering
Mankey Dozing
Primeape Dozing
Growlithe Snoozing
Arcanine Snoozing
Bellsprout Dozing
Weepinbell Dozing
Victreebel Dozing
Geodude Slumbering
Graveler Slumbering
Golem Slumbering
Slowpoke Snoozing
Slowbro Snoozing
Magenemite Slumbering
Magneton Slumbering
Dodou Slumbering
Dodrio Slumbering
Gastly Dozing
Haunter Dozing
Gengar Dozing
Cubone Slumbering
Marowak Slumbering
Kangaskhan Snoozing
Mr. Mime Snoozing
Pinsir Dozing
Ditto Snoozing
Eevee Snoozing
Vaporeon Slumbering
Jolteon Snoozing
Flareon Snoozing
Chikorita Dozing
Bayleef Dozing
Meganium Dozing
Cyndaquil Snoozing
Quilava Snoozing
Typhlosion Snoozing
Totodile Slumbering
Croconaw Slumbering
Feraligatr Slumbering
Pichu Slumbering
Igglybuff Slumbering
Togepi Slumbering
Togetic Snoozing
Mareep Snoozing
Flaaffy Snoozing
Ampharos Snoozing
Sudowoodo Slumbering
Espeon Snoozing
Umbreon Dozing
Slowking Snoozing
Wobbuffet Snoozing
Heracross Dozing
Houndour Dozing
Houndoom Dozing
Larvitar Slumbering
Pupitar Slumbering
Tyranitar Dozing
Slakoth Snoozing
Vigoroth Dozing
Slaking Snoozing
Sableye Dozing
Gulpin Dozing
Swalot Dozing
Swablu Slumbering
Altaria Dozing
Absol Dozing
Wynaut Slumbering
Spheal Slumbering
Sealeo Slumbering
Walrein TBA
Bonsly Slumbering
Mime Jr. Snoozing
Riolu Slumbering
Lucario Slumbering
Croagunk Dozing
Toxicroak Dozing
Magnezone Slumbering
Togekiss Snoozing
Leafeon Dozing
Glaceon Slumbering
Sylveon Snoozing

What are Sleep Types in Pokemon Sleep?

You probably noticed that there are multiple Sleep Types in the chart above. There are different Sleep Types required to capture specific Pokemon.

When you’re sleeping, the app will analyze what type of rest you had that night and determine it’s one of three categories:

  • Dozing
  • Snoozing
  • Slumbering

Certain Pokemon can only be captured during certain parts of your sleep cycle. So hopefully, you’re able to get some deep sleep!

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