Dota 2 Battle Cup cheater brought to justice by AdmiralBulldog

By Neslyn Apduhan


Mar 14, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

A Battle Cup scripter was banned from Dota 2 matchmaking for eight years.

Former professional player Henrik “AdmiralBulldog” Ahnberg celebrated a small victory in getting the cheater banned from the game. An anonymous player who goes by the in-game name “Werwolf” was caught cheating on AdmiralBulldog’s Battle Cup Twitch stream.

Werwolf admitted that he’d been using scripts. In a Discord chat, he seemed more proud of his cheating activities than regretful.

“It’s funny to read about bans and big words. If people don’t even know how Valve’s server anti-cheat system works. How it is bypassed for many years…,” Werwolf said.

The alleged cheater also maintained that nothing would happen to his account.

The cheating attempt was a risky one, as Werwolf was using his main Steam account. His profile boasted 7,128 in-game items and 3,349 games owned.

Before Valve imposed the Dota 2 ban, the account did not have any previous game bans, VAC bans, community bans, or trade bans. But that sparkling clean record is now history.

The profile was created eight years ago and has recorded more than 22,000 hours of play. And although Werwolf’s profile looks clean, those who saw him in action now know otherwise.

Valve instituted a manual ban for Werwolf’s account that will prohibit him from using the Dota 2 matchmaking service for eight years.

However, many in the community agreed that the matchmaking ban was not enough. Because of the nature of the matchmaking ban, Werwolf’s profile was not tainted with a game ban or VAC ban on its record. He will still be able to play games on his main account, just not Dota 2.

“I don’t care about my ban. It’s surely worth it. I have many accounts to continue playing… I won’t drop Dota and I will continue to find bugs and tricks,” Werwolf’s said.

Other players will at least hope that the high profile banning will discourage cheaters from being so brazen in their attempts.


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