Apex Legends teabagging

Class changes in Apex Legends Season 17 make Support legends OP

By Olivia Richman


May 8, 2023

Reading time: 2 min

Apex Legends is getting some serious class changes in Season 17.

The latest patch notes for Apex Legends show some shocking class reworks. Classes were first reworked in Season 16, putting legends into four distinct classes that all have their own class-related abilities. But it looks like developers have decided to make some changes after seeing how the classes worked throughout Season 16.

Apex Legends class changes in Season 17

One of the biggest changes that Apex Legends players noticed was that Mirage has been reassigned from Skirmisher to Support. This will give him access to the Support-exclusive abilities instead.

Speaking of, the class abilities will also be changed in Season 17.

Assault class changes

Assault legends will have their “smart loot” ability readjusted, so it’s less likely to skip a rarity tier. This nerf essentially means that Assault legends won’t find Gold attachments as often if they are currently sporting Blue attachments. On the other hand, the optics they find inside bins will take the entire squad’s needs into account rather than just the individual Assault legend. Gold optics will also have a “special drop rate,” but it’s not clear what that means exactly.

Skirmisher class changes

Skirmishers got a bit of a boost in Season 17. Care Package loot will be pinged for the whole team instead of the individual Skirmisher.

Support class changes

Support legends will be guaranteed at least one Shield Battery when they access the Extended Supply Bins. Even more interesting is that Support legends will likely encounter a Mobile Respawn Beacon in this secret compartment if their teammate is dead — even if the Banner Card wasn’t crafted or retrieved. Another great addition to the Support class is the ability of the entire squad to craft expired Banner Cards at Replicators as long as they have a Support class legend on their team.


The response to the changes has been largely positive, especially for fans of Support legends. Some players even felt the upgrade to the Support class was a bit OP. One player even said: “The support buff got me feeling sassy.”

But the question is, can the two remaining teammates craft the banner of a fallen Support legend? That hasn’t been answered just yet.

For now, players will have to await Season 17 to see just how these class changes play out. Season 17 is coming to Apex Legends on May 9, bringing class and weapon changes as well as Ballistic, the latest legend with a touching father-son backstory.



