Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s iconic map, Dust 2, is no longer playable in competitive mode, but its replacement, Anubis, is pretty good.
Anubis is a community-created map that was added to CSGO in 2020. After the IEM Rio 2022 Major, it became part of active duty, replacing Dust 2. It’s still relatively new as players try to figure their way around the dusty location. However, learning a few utility lineups can help win rounds.
If you’re having trouble learning dozens of new lineups, start with simple site setups that are easy to remember. We have compiled smoke lineups to take control of each bomb site as terrorists.
To block off all critical angles on A-site, walk towards A street and stand next to the second umbrella. Equip your smoke grenade and aim at the window, as shown in the image. Then, jump and toss the smoke to block out the enemy on A-site’s heaven.
The second smoke begins from the same street but move a bit farther toward the carpet rolls. Attach yourself in the nook and aim in the middle of the third block. Equip smoke, jump, and release. This one will smoke out top heaven on A-site.
Final smoke for A begins from the same carpet spot, so you may request your teammate for extra smoke. From this same position, aim at the bottom of the two blocks, as shown in the image, and release the smoke. This will block out the walkway entrance, making the entire area secure for the plant.
B-site’s all three smokes begin from a single spot, so you’ll need a dedicated utility player to drop them promptly. Firstly, find the pillar entrance in the Ruins and look towards the third pillar. Next, aim at the bottom of the little triangle crack and jump throw the smoke. This one drops in the middle of the connector door.
From the same first spot, aim at the pillar’s crack, as shown in the image. Without pressing jump, release the grenade into the smoke out the alley.
Finally, equip the third smoke and aim at this block on top of the flower shape pillar. Release the grenade without jumping. This smoke will land on bricks, blocking all crucial angles on Anubis‘ B-site.
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