World of Warcraft is one of the most popular games in the world, but a global success like WoW can become stagnant if new mechanics are not added. The WoW Dragonflight talent tree is exactly what the game needed, and it is already changing the way people play WoW.
Dragonflight is the ninth expansion for World of Warcraft, it dropped on November 28, and it features one of the most significant changes to the game in years. Dragonflight introduced a new talent tree system that allows players to build stronger and better characters.
The WoW Dragonflight talent tree is divided into two, Class and Specialization. As the name implies it, the Class talent three is shared between all members of a class. The Specialization gives players the opportunity to experiment and make their characters as unique as possible.
Starting at level 10, players will earn points that they can then use on their talents. They must spend a specific number of points in one row to be able to unlock the next row. The talent tree has nodes with different shapes:
It is possible to save up to ten different talent trees. If a player changes their mind and wants to start anew, they can simply unlearn a talent tree and start over. This new system makes for a more dynamic experience with more room for experimentation. Players have been asking for this type of system that is not limited to the current expansion.
You can play World of Warcraft: Dragonflight now! The ninth expansion became available for players worldwide on November 28. Some patches are to be expected soon as the developers find the perfect balance for the new talent trees and other new features in the game.
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