With Broken Fang over, when is the next CSGO operation?

By Fariha Bhatti


May 20, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

Operation Broken Fang is finally over and players are already looking forward to the next Counter-Strike: Global Offensive pass. 

CSGO may not get tons of hard-charged updates, but its operation passes are the most anticipated additions to the game. Valve has been rolling out annual passes that bring new maps and other exciting updates. However, the developer can be super spontaneous and drop a brand new update when you expect it the least.

Valve delivered a new CSGO Operation Broken Fang in December 2020, which came with new maps, energetic agents, and bright skins for weapons. The pass ran for five months and left behind a brand new map as part of the competitive map pool in CSGO. The Operation has finally expired, and players can’t help but wonder when is CSGO’s 11th OperationOperation arriving. 

When is CSGO’s next Operation coming?

There is a high chance that the developer would completely omit the 11th pass for 2021. CSGO’s most significant event in its history will go live in 2021. The shooter will get its first Major PGL Stockholm after a gap of almost two years in September, running through November. The new Operation will likely be skipped to avoid unnecessary bugs, changes in-game, and distractions from the tournament in general. 

In case the devs decide to post a new operation despite the Major, a delay should still be expected. 2019’s pass Shattered Web was released with the gap of two months after the culmination of Berlin Major 2019. This timeline shows that the devs may require at least two months to prepare a new pass after Stockholm Major, which will skew the potential release to February. 

Valve used to push out new passes during the summer sale, but this trend has changed over the years. It’s unlikely that the developer would let Operation release clash with the summer sale in June since this type of Operation usually lasts up to 16 weeks. Valve also gives extra time for the completion of objectives, tasks, and missions. The February release means that the Operation will run through June, which will impact the Steam Summer sale. 

Valve has released the past two Operations at the later end of the year. Considering the dates for the previous two operations, the 11th CSGO operation should be skewed to December or November. Both the passes were released by the gap of one year. Therefore, looking at the end date of Broken Fang and other information available, the 11th pass should arrive in December 2021. 


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