Twitch Prime subscribers now receive free League of Legends skins

By Olivia Richman


Mar 4, 2019

Reading time: 1 min

Twitch knows that gamers love nothing more than some free loot.

League of Legends players are now eligible for a new free loot capsule if they’re also a Twitch Prime subscriber with linked accounts. The “Summoner’s Crown Capsule” contains a random permanent skin, ward skin, and summoner icon. This promotion is available until April 3.

This League of Legends promotion is imilar to one Twitch had in December, which offered a free a random legendary tier skin shard to players right before TwitchCon. The Summoner’s Crown Capsule doesn’t guarantee anything quite so rare, but free loot is never something to scoff at.

League of Legend’s cosmetic skins normally range from 520 RP ($4) on the low end to ultimate skins that cost 3,250 RP ($25). While League is a free-to-play title, the MOBA game earned Riot Games $624 million in revenue last year. This speaks to the popularity of League’s in-game purchases, especially skins. Last year a Reddit user estimated that it would take almost $5,000 to purchase all of the game’s skins, and this total has only gone up as more skins were added to the game this year.  

For players who don’t already have a Twitch Prime account, free trials are available here. For those who already have a subscription, signing in will reveal a “claim offer” button below League of Legends. The loot will be available upon the next log-in.

Twitch Prime subscribers have opportunities for free loot in a variety of other titles as well. Apex Legends is offering in-game loot until April 18, and Blizzard Entertainment is offering an Abathur: Evolved bundle for Starcraft 2 players until April 10.