TF Blade becomes number one on EUNE League of Legends server

By Olivia Richman


Oct 26, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Team Liquid’s controversial League of Legends streamer Ashkan “TF Blade” Homayouni has become number one on the EUNE server. 

He announced the news on Twitch by showing his name on the leaderboards with “Can’t Touch This” playing in the background. His viewers spammed the chat room with messages like “I WAS HERE” and “EZ.” 

TF Blade has been on a quest to become the top-ranked solo queue player in every region. While he has most recently become number one in all of EU’s various servers, it wasn’t as “ez” as it should have been for the streamer. 

TF Blade is banned in Turkey while trying to be number one

TF Blade was set back in Turkey when he was banned from the servers for 14 days. 

“I prefer to be banned than play in this region,” he said on stream when he first found out he was suspended for “abusive player-reported comms.” 

Throughout TF Blade’s time in Turkey, the well-known League of Legends player had endured trolling from his teammates, who would purposely try to throw matches once they realized who he was and what his goals were. To become number one in a region, TF Blade wasn’t able to leave any game he joined, since that would lead to penalties. 

Some of these games took wel over an hour, thanks to both his teammates and opponents not taking the game seriously. 

In response to his mounting frustrations, TF Blade ended up lashing out at his teammates. He called them “Turkish dogs” and “unintelligent.” TF Blade didn’t reveal the reason he was banned at first because he was scared it would harm his reputation, he admitted in a TwitLonger.

TF Blade apologized for anyone he may have hurt, explaining how exhausted and angry he’d been while streaming in Turkey. 

Team Liquid’s CEO Steve “LiQuiD112” Arhancet made a statement on Twitter regarding the situation. 

“I’ve reviewed TF Blade’s recent actions and his use of derogatory language generalizing Turkish players. This behavior does not reflect the values TL upholds and expects from our players. We’ll be deciding the next course of action with TF Blade over the days to come,” he tweeted

Almost every response to Arhancet’s tweet begged the organization to not drop TF Blade. They instead urged Team Liquid to give him more support and help dealing with his stress while streaming. 

While there have been no announcements since the incident, Team Liquid’s name still remains on TF Blade’s Twitch channel under “teams,” and he still has a link to the organization’s merch. 

The League of Legends player said his next goal is to become number one in Korea, which will most likely prove tougher than the EU regions he’s already checked off his list.