Valve may be pulling the plug on Nuke soon as players spot teasers for Overpass on Counter-Strike 2 social media.
CS2 is still in the testing stages, and like a good developer, Valve is in no hurry. The developer is meticulously testing out each map and ironing out the kinks reported by the players during the beta. After spending a week in CS2, it seems Nuke’s time is over as players notice mysterious dragon teasers on social media.
Nuke is currently the only active competitive map in CS2, and Overpass seems to be the next in line as Valve has changed its Twitter header to a familiar dragon.
Players instantly thought of new dragon skins When they noticed the colorful dragon on CS2’s header. But Valve is likely cooking up the next map for CS2. Besides updating the header, the developer has also liked a tweet about Overpass, further adding fuel to new map speculations.
Seasoned CSGO players would recognize the iconic dragon from Overpass’ playground. However, keen players noticed the color difference. In CSGO, the dragon has a plain golden skin, but Valve’s header features one in rainbow colors. The same dragon can be spotted in the tweet by Gabe Follower that CS2 liked.
Valve has likely switched up the colors of the iconic dragon on Overpass for CS2. In any case, this further confirms that Overpass could be the next map in CS2 beta. It has already been confirmed for the competitive map pool alongside Dust 2, Mirage, Inferno, and, Nuke.
It remains to be seen how long Nuke will stay, but it should be brief, considering the CS2 release date is also around the corner. If Valve wants to try out all maps in beta, it may shorten the test duration for each location.
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