San Francisco Shock’s Striker says playing Bastion isn’t fun

By Olivia Richman


Sep 13, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

The San Francisco Shock easily dominated the Los Angeles Gladiators in the Playoffs. The 4-0 finish have them taking on the Hangzhou Spark tomorrow, who also took down their opponents with a flawless 4-0 sweep. 

The Shock are expected to come out on top since they’ve taken down the Spark before. But now there’s a whole new comp to deal with. Luckily, Shock DPS player Nam-joo “Striker” Kwon has already mastered it. chatted with Striker about what it means to be the best Bastion in the Overwatch League, and why it’s not fun at all. 

How are you feeling after the win? 

Striker: It feels so good. I expected us to 4-0. I’m satisfied in how we played today. 

How do you feel your match against Spark will go? 

We need to prepare hard. They beat their opponents 4-0. So we need to prepare hard for them. 

Who do you think is the better Bastion right now?

I didn’t watch it, so I’m not sure who is better… But I think I am the better Bastion. 

How do you become a great Bastion? 

The most important part is team communication. Bastion needs to rotate. He can’t stay in the same spot the whole time. The team needs to move around Bastion. I’m only looking forward, so I can’t see what my team is using sometimes. They need to communicate with me. 

Why is Bastion so effective right now? 

Orisa and Sigma don’t have mobility right now, so Bastion is a good counter against them. He’s also a good counter to Reaper and Doomfist. 

You were using Widowmaker and Hanzo the most in Stage 4. How was the transition from Widowmaker to Bastion? 

When I played WIdowmaker, I had to focus on aim a lot. But Bastion, I don’t need to think about that. That makes me more comfortable. 

So are you liking being Bastion? 

I don’t like it. It’s not fun. 

Who do you think will win: New York Excelsior or Vancouver Titans? 

I am expecting NYXL. They are good at the Bastion comp and they have a lot of variables and options in their comp. 

How would you do against NYXL? 

I’m going to be watching them and preparing hard for them. 

What would it mean to you to become the Season 2 champions? 

Players and coaches need to practice hard. If we prepare hard, we can win.

It would become one of the happiest moments in my life, and my biggest achievement.