Baptiste Pharah

Pharah confirmed lesbian in latest Overwatch 2 short story

By Olivia Richman


May 31, 2023

Reading time: 1 min

Blizzard has released a short story called “As You Are” that highlights Baptiste and Pharah, including struggles with their past as well as their identity.

In the seven-page short story, which also features beautiful artwork, Baptiste looks back on his time with Talon with shame, feeling a lot of pressure after Cassidey gave him a chance to prove himself on Overwatch. He opened up about his concerns with Pharah, wishing he could feel as confident as her.

While chatting, Baptiste also asked Pharah if she felt anything for Cassidey. But she immediately shut this down.

“No, definitely not. Cole and I have known each other for a long time. And besides, I’m a lesbian,” Pharah said casually.

Are Pharah and Baptiste LGBTQ+?

The short story appeared to be part of Blizzard’s first-ever pride event. It had Pharah explicitly admit that she’s a lesbian to Baptiste, exciting Overwatch 2 fans. A lot of players started creating fan art of Pharah as well as her mother Ana, claiming she’d be a supportive mother.

Baptiste’s identity wasn’t as concrete in the short story, although he did seem a bit bashful about Cassidey. At one point, he hinted that he was interested in the cowboy, but he played it a bit coy, simply saying that he “has a certain charm.”

Baptiste’s sexual orientation was also called into question prior to the story due to a recent interaction with Lifeweaver, the new pansexual healer. The flirtatious interaction had fans speculating that Baptiste is probably bisexual, and this short story only furthered that theory.



