Overwatch 2 loot boxes

Overwatch 2 won’t have loot boxes, and this is why

By Olivia Richman


Jun 20, 2022

Reading time: 2 min

While Blizzard’s new mobile game Diablo Immortal is riddled with microtransactions, developers are apparently looking to take a different direction in Overwatch 2.

In a recent interview with GameSpot, game director Aaron Keller revealed that the Overwatch sequel may be moving away from the usual loot box system found in some modern FPS titles, notably including the original Overwatch game. Instead, Overwatch 2 will feature a system featuring some sort of item shop.

In Overwatch 1, loot boxes would contain cosmetic items, with players hoping to get Legendary skins. There would also be loot boxes for limited-time events that featured cosmetics exclusive to that time period. While the cosmetics didn’t enhance player performance, many players still felt drawn to pay for loot boxes in order to obtain rare items, creating a bit of controversy around the concept of loot boxes. This was doubly true when it came to younger children playing the game.

Now, Keller has stated that loot boxes will be a thing of the past moving forward.

Will Overwatch 2 have loot boxes?

In a nearly 30-minute interview with GameSpot, Keller discussed the concept of loot boxes and his vision for cosmetics in Overwatch 2.

Keller explained that Overwatch 2 would be removing the loot box system and replacing it with other ways to get cosmetics that don’t involve luck.

“Loot boxes have always been a part of Overwatch 1, but as the game has grown, especially as we go into a free-to-play version of the game, it becomes a lot harder to earn what you want with a loot box system,” Keller said.

Keller wants to give players more agency by moving to a pure shop in Overwatch 2, similar to what Fortnite has. This would allow players to choose what cosmetics they want to buy instead of essentially gambling with loot boxes.

When it comes to cosmetics, Overwatch 2 will also have a battle pass system that will “hit a lot of the same spots” as the progression system in the first Overwatch.