The rumors of 12 max rounds in Counter-Strike 2 split the player base in two, and now, even stats show that only a certain group prefers shorter matches.Â
When leakers broke the news that CS2 competitive may have MR12 format and shorter matches, it rocked the FPS community. Valorant players came forward accusing Valve of plagiarism, and CS 1.6 fans defended the legacy of their game for starting the trend in the 2000s. But, the topic remained controversial, with most players disliking it. Now, those players have stats to prove that their opinion holds leverage because they are Global Elites, the creme of the crop.Â
According to new data from CSGOstats, noobs prefer shorter games, whereas elite players like to play all 15 rounds. However, this data isn’t necessarily surprising, considering Valve is likely trying to tackle a broader, casual player base with rumored MR12.Â
CSGOstats has once again stirred controversy with a graph revealing a noteworthy trend. The data indicates that the preference for shorter games, currently set at MR8 in CSGO, diminishes as player ranks increase. In specific terms, merely 20% of SMFCs partake in these MR8 games, with even fewer Global Elites playing in them.
This further explains old-timers’ strong opposition to the rumored MR12 format. Most loyal CSGO players have hit higher ranks and understand the appeal that goes beyond a short adrenaline-pumping game. Longer CSGO matches have strategic depth, action-packed gun rounds, and a fair chance for both teams to prove their mettle.Â
Considering these factors, a seasoned player—say a Global Elite—favors the MR15 format, while newcomers to CSGO tend to opt for the shorter commitment of MR8 matches. Nevertheless, this underlines the notion that introducing MR12 could potentially trigger a surge in the player count of CSGO, drawing in a multitude of casual players.
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