LEC veteran Cabochard joins Karmine Corp as new top laner

By Christian Vejvad


May 30, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

A familiar face will be joining the French LFL league for the summer split, as Karmine Corp has picked up LEC veteran Lucas “Cabochard” Simon-Meslet. 

The last time Cabochard played competitively was with Vitality last year. He left in December 2020 after spending five years with the organization. After a break in the recent spring split, the 24-year-old top laner is ready to compete again and this time it will be in his home region. Cabochard will replace Adam “Adam” Maanane, who was recently announced as Fnatic’s new top laner

Cahochard returning to professional play with Karmine Corp was rumored a few weeks back, but now it’s official. The French top laner will join the defending European Masters champions as they look to chase another trophy in the LFL. Karmine Corp has only played in the French league for one split and is already considered a powerhouse in the league. 

Not only does the team have great players, it also boasts a big fanbase. Karmine Corp was one of the reasons why the French viewership blew up during the spring split. It wasn’t unusual to see the LFL broadcast hit over 100,000 concurrent viewers, which has previously been unheard of for a European regional league. With Karmine Corp picking up LEC veteran Cabochard, it’s only expected that the fanbase will continue growing. 

Cabochard is a strong player with a lot of experience to offer in and out of the game. With years of professional play in the best European league, Cabochard is a true veteran in his field. He is mostly known for his years at Vitality and previously with Gambit Gaming. Cabochard played at the 2018 World Championship and has been close to an EU LCS and LEC trophy on several occasions. 

If Cabochard is aiming to compete in the LEC again in the future is unknown, but if he is, Karmine Corp will likely be the right organization to prove himself again. Until then, Cabochard and the rest of Karmine Corp will enter Summoner’s Rift when the 2021 LFL Summer Split kicks off on June 8.  


Who plays for Karmine Corp? 

Karmine Corp will be making changes in the top lane for the 2021 LFL summer split. The rest of the squad’s roster remains the same as in the 2021 LFL spring split, where the team won LFL and the European Masters competitions. 

The Karmine Corp roster is: 

  • Top – Lucas “Cabochard” Simon-Meslet
  • Jungle – Jakub “Cinkrof” Rokicki
  • Mid – Lucas “Saken” Fayard
  • Bot – Matthew “xMatty” Coombs
  • Support – Raphaël “Targamas” Crabbé


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