Froggen on Orianna ult whiffs: “Some ults you hit, some you miss”
After defeating top North American organization Team Liquid, Dignitas is now 3-0 in the 2020 LCS Spring Split. Once considered underdogs, the roster full of veterans has become the team to watch. sat down with Henrik “Froggen” Hansen to talk about Dignitas’ victory, his team’s strengths, and what Dignitas’ logo even is.
How do you feel about being Player of the Week?
Froggen: It feels pretty good. I’m really happy about it. It feels good to be acknowledged.
Team Liquid is considered one of the best teams in North America. How did you feel after beating them today?
I think TL is one of the harder teams to beat. They don’t have full main roster yet, but we managed to beat them this time around.
It’s still early in the season and we have to learn how to play together. We can take a lot away from this game. But we managed to pull through in the end and make some pretty good decisions, like getting the objectives that we did. Overall I feel pretty happy about the win.
You missed a few ultimates. Were you nervous because you were taking on TL?
No, not at all. Some ults you hit, some you miss. I feel like sometimes it’s fine to pull the trigger. The important part is that I don’t use it in a scenario where my ult is down and they can force an objective. It’s up to me and I need to recognize the situation when I can go for a risky ultimate. That’s kind of how it is.
Are you jealous you don’t have a mascot?
No, not really.
You don’t think it would help with team morale?
Mascots are a pretty cool concept. I think more teams might acquire mascots.
What would your team’s mascot look like?
Probably an owl. I think it’s an owl. I’m not really sure what it is. But it would look something like that.
I’m surprised you don’t even know what it is! Who is the strongest team right now?
So far, it’s looking like Cloud9. They’re looking really strong. FlyQuest is looking strong, too. Both teams are 2-0. It’s hard to say which one is the better of the two right now. But based off of players, C9 has more flexibility. But they’re probably around the same strength.
What is Dignitas’ biggest strength as a team?
I’m not really sure what our strength as a team is yet.
As long as we keep trying to do things together as a team and try our best to be on the same page, where everyone can implement ideas, it will create some unique stuff that we’ll be able to play with. I think we’d be really strong if we can get that going.
You came into the 2020 LCS Spring Split looking like underdogs but you’re undefeated. What has been working for you guys?
When we started scrimming, it felt like the coaches had a good idea of what we should focus on. It just seems like everyone bought into those ideas. We also have individudal stuff we focus on every week.
We’re just taking it slowly, listening to each and other the coaches. We’re trying our best to play as a team and it’s really working for us.
Has the team been doing anything together outside of scrims?
We go grab food together, the most common thing teams say they do. But we also play a bunch of solo queue. That’s pretty much all we’ve been doing ever since LCS started back up.
What have you been eating?
Whatever has been around.
You’re in LA. Everything is around!
I don’t care too much about what I eat. I can have some meat and I’m good to go.