Operation Riptide missions are starting to get creative for week six.
Week six of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s Operation Riptide is appropriately titled Rumble in the Jungle. For this week, players will once again return to casual and Guardian to earn their coveted stars. The more competitive missions this week involve racking up kill streaks in deathmatch and getting frags with guns you didn’t buy.
The first mission for week six is also its most difficult.
This mission rewards Riptide stars based on how big of a kill streak you can achieve in a deathmatch. Three kills reward the first star, five unlocks the second, and seven rewards the full three-star prize. The Group Sigma map pool includes Cobblestone, Vertigo, Canals, Ancient, and the new Riptide map Basalt.
There’s no easy way to force a seven-man kill streak in a deathmatch. It might help your chances to switch to team deathmatch and play slow. Once you’re close to your next milestone, don’t be afraid to take an odd angle and catch someone by surprise. There’s no shame in spawn camping when precious Riptide stars are on the line.
Valve usually likes to use new Riptide maps for these missions, but week six is a return to a classic. Wingman on Nuke will pit teams of two against each other in a duel for the bomb site. This mission can be completed by either winning 21 rounds across multiple games or winning just one match. With three stars on the line, it’s worth grinding out the rounds if you can’t score a win.
It seems like every set of Riptide missions includes a Guardian match. Week six is no different with a trip to Guardian: Blacksite. This mission is very similar to last week’s Guardian mission, but this time you get to use the big guns.
You’ll need to score 20 kills with different rifles throughout the match. The indicator on the side of the screen will track your progress and tell you which rifle to use. Remember that a taser will one-shot any armored enemies.
Another mission with a weird name, the final Riptide week six mission tasks you with racking up 15 kills with another player’s gun. Both enemy and allied weapons count for this mission, so try to trade guns with your teammates at the start of the round.
This mission also has the alternate clear condition of getting seven kills in a single match with another player’s gun. Since it’s casual, try to bait players who go mid with an AWP every round. You know what happens to those guys.
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