Cloud9 announces Woxic departure from CSGO team

By Fariha Bhatti


Jan 18, 2021

Reading time: 3 min

Cloud9 has released an official statement confirming Özgür “⁠Woxic⁠” Eker’s exit from the active lineup.

General manager of the organization’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive division, Henry “HenryG” Greer, has announced that Woxic is now free to explore his options after parting with the organization. 

The statement entailed that Woxic has been an asset to the North American team. However, unfixable issues have led the organization to come to this decision. The Turkish AWPer failed to perform to his full potential due to region differences and time zones despite the team’s effort to minimize the inconveniences.

After various tries to rectify the situation, it was in team’s best interest that Woxic explored other options, according to HenryG’s statement. 

The general manager has said that the player break has allowed them to experiment with necessary changes as there are no immediate tournaments lined up. The organization is currently evaluating the colossus and working on the weak areas that are corrigible before the matches commence. 

Xeppaa may replace Woxic in Cloud9 

Woxic was the third player to enter HenryG’s overhauled Colossus during the team’s construction phase in mid-September. The AWPer had signed a three-year deal that cost Cloud9 $1.4 million. The newly appointed general manager had bought the AWPer from mousesports and promised to bring the real Woxic back. 

The efforts were futile due to regional differences that impacted his in-game performance. However, Woxic exiting Cloud9 comes as no surprise as reports of this move had surfaced weeks ago. Rush B Media had previously reported that Cloud9 may bench the Turkish AWPer for reasons unrelated to his individual performance. The organization had already found a replacement in Chaos Esports’ former rifler Erick “⁠Xeppaa⁠” Bach, according to a report by HLTV.

Fans may find out the truth behind the reports as HenryG has said that the roster’s status and other details will be announced in a few days. 

As colossal as Cloud9’s overhaul was, recent developments hint at a fragile internal ecosystem that is resulting in consistent drops. The North American organization had recently taken a major blow when coach Aleksandar “⁠kassad⁠” Trifunović went inactive due to a stylish clash with in-game leader Alex “⁠ALEX⁠” McMeekin.

Soon after the report, the HenryG confirmed that the organization is eyeing Chris “⁠Elmapuddy⁠” Tebbit to assume the coach’s office and stated that the negotiations are going well. 

While reports claim that damage control is underway at Cloud9 back office, the roster’s consistent drops may impact the team’s performance in the upcoming tournament. With a new coach and fifth player, the roster is left with minimum time to polish the team play. 

Cloud9’s roster if Woxic-Xeppaa swap comes to fruition:

  • Alex “⁠ALEX⁠ McMeekin
  •  William “⁠mezii⁠ Merriman
  •  Ricky “⁠floppy⁠ Kemery
  •  Patrick “⁠es3tag⁠ Hansen
  •  Erick “⁠Xeppaa⁠ Bach
  •  Chris “⁠Elmapuddy⁠ Tebbit (coach)
  •  Özgür “⁠woxic⁠ Eker (benched)

What team is Woxic on in CSGO?

Up until today, Woxic was part of Cloud9 after signing a pricey three-year deal. 

Why did Woxic leave mousesports? 

Woxic was benched from mousesport’s CSGO lineup after a poor performance at ESL One Cologne Europe. The team cited Woxic’s attitude instead of his skill. 


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