Boston Uprising win longest series in OWL history over Houston Outlaws

By Olivia Richman


Feb 23, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

The Houston Outlaws and Boston Uprising have broken the Overwatch League record for most maps played. The two teams fought back and forth over seven maps, with the Boston Uprising ultimately taking the 3-2 victory. 

According to the Overwatch League’s rules for the 2020 season, teams must play until one wins three maps. But the Houston Outlaws had forced the two-draw maximum. 

The first map was Ilios, a control map where the Uprising completely dominated. On the second map, both teams managed to take points on Anubis, but Houston forced a draw on Boston, denying any map progress in the second round. Despite the effort, Houston looked shaky on escort map Dorado and was unable to deal with Boston’s DPS Min “Jerry” Tae-hui. At this point, analysts predicted a 3-0 sweep in the Boston Uprising’s favor. 

The Outlaws weren’t about to roll over though, and they fought back hard in the fourth round on Blizzard World. 

As per Overwatch League’s rules, all maps after the fourth are control maps. The first was Oasis, where Houston Outlaws’ Dante “Danteh” Cruz began to steamroll Boston’s roster. They kept up the pressure in Nepal, pushing Uprising to a 2-2 tie. 

The Uprising made a comeback in the final map, Lijiang Tower, thanks again to Jerry’s prowess on McCree. The Boston Uprising ended the long series with a 3-2 victory. 

Boston Uprising fans at the Washington Justice homestand went wild for the hardfought victory. The full Anthem arena erupted in cheers, with some fans running down the aisles with Boston Uprising flags. Boston Uprising players held up Jerry’s hands in victory, earning even more applause from the audience. 

This was a big victory for the New England-based team. Not just because of the long and stressful match, but because the rookie team had two devastating losses last weekend. Despite the squad catching the flu, the Boston Uprising came out on top this weekend in a big way. 

Their next match is against the Philadelphia Fusion on March 1, giving them some time to celebrate.


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