Overwatch 2 new hero

Blizzard to unveil new Overwatch 2 hero at OWL Grand Finals

By Fariha Bhatti


Nov 4, 2022

Reading time: 2 min

Overwatch 2 season two is on the horizon, which means players should expect a brand-new hero. 

Overwatch 2 has a mix of old and new heroes in the current pack, and Blizzard plans to add more new faces. The 5v5 format of Overwatch 2 calls for more heroes to add some spice to the combat, and that’s precisely what is planned for season two. The developer has teased a new Overwatch 2 hero reveal at the OWL Grand finals. 

The upcoming hero won’t be released anytime soon, but the developer is willing to pull back the curtain on his abilities on November 4 around 10 pm EST when the OWL Grand Finals start. 

So far, not much is known about the hero, except that he’ll be a male and belong to the tank class. This information was revealed by Overwatch 2 lead hero designer Alec Dawson who said that the tank playstyle could use some diversity. Besides this, nothing is official, but the leakers have solid guesses.

Overwatch 2 new hero

According to the community’s whisper network, the next hero is Mauga. Dedicated fans may already know the giant from a short story released when Baptiste was unveiled. Mauga is a tall and muscular man who is a former accomplice of Baptise. So, there’d likely be some lore ties as well.

How to watch the OWL Grand Finals Overwatch 2 hero reveal

The next new Overwatch 2 hero will be revealed either before or after the OWL Grand Finals stream on November 4. To be safe, players should tune in as soon as the game starts on the Overwatch YouTube channel at 10 pm EST.

Those who aren’t interested in the game can get their updates from news and teasers that will likely have a lot to unpack, both lore and ability-wise. The new hero will arrive in December 2022.