Asmongold calls out Twitch after indiefoxx banned four times

By Olivia Richman


Apr 8, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

Streamer Asmongold had a lot to say about indiefoxx’s fourth ban in a matter of just a few months. 

Over the past month or so, indiefoxx has received four three-day bans in a row, most for very similar offenses. Her most recent ban was for “selling or attempting to sell Twitch features or services,” which goes against the platform’s Community Guidelines. This hasn’t sat well with the majority of the streaming community, who noted that Twitch is supposed to have a three-ban policy, meaning streamers often get permanently banned if they receive three suspensions in a row. 

Asmongold is a very outspoken streamer who was one of the creators to call out Twitch for their hypocrisy. According to the World of Warcraft veteran, it’s unfair that Twitch is so lenient with indiefoxx and other female streamers who continuously break the rules. 

“If that happened to Forsen, Twitch would not only ban Forsen, they would find a way to send him to the moon in real life. They would ban him from earth,” Asmongold said. 

This is most likely in reference to Sebastian “Forsen” Fors getting banned for over a month in 2020 when the popular streamer accidentally showed an inappropriate clip that was sent to him by a viewer. The ban was “indefinite” at the time, raising a lot of concerns with the streaming community since that was around the time that MissBehavin was only banned for three days after flashing her entire lower body on stream. 

Now indiefoxx has become the main point of frustration for many male streamers who can’t help but notice Twitch’s special treatment. 

“Let’s be honest, why is it that this person gets multiple three-day suspensions over and over and over? But other people get permabanned? Especially when it’s for the same exact stuff!” Asmongold said. 

Asmongold pointed out that giving women this kind of special treatment on the platform has made Twitch “anti-woman.” He said that something is “not right” when you compare her behavior and its punishments to male straemers’ behavior and their longer and more severe punishments. 

“I think they need to do something about it because every single other person sees that and it creates this discontent,” he explained. “That’s why I think that unfairness is so insidious. It’s so subversive.”

According to Asmongold, Twitch needs to start treating everyone fairly. 

“I think everyone knows that if anybody else had received four bans in that period of time they’d be off the platform in a second!” Asmongold said. 

There are currently two more days remaining on indiefoxx’s latest suspension. She has not responded to Asmongold’s sentiments nor made any further comments about her ban since the day it happened. The streaming community is anxiously awaiting her return, and to see if Twitch will finally become more transparent and fair with their punishments going forward.