Horizon heirloom

Apex Legends girlies get silly over new Horizon heirloom

By Olivia Richman


Jun 17, 2023

Reading time: 1 min

Apex Legends players are convinced that Horizon’s new heirloom is inspired by a sex toy.

Fans were excited when it was announced that Horizon was receiving an heirloom in the Dressed to Kill Collection event. You’ll automatically be rewarded with the heirloom if you unlock every skin in the collection, but some gamers are saying they already have the heirloom at home.

After a closer inspection, some Apex Legends fans are convinced that the Gravy Maw design is based on an adult toy. It all started when competitive player Lindsey “LuluLuvely” joked that she already had the heirloom “in my bedside table,” although her version wasn’t as spiky.

Other women immediately noticed the similarities and started chiming in with their own dirty thoughts. Her tweet now has almost 30,000 likes, as the Apex Legends community can’t help but get a bit silly about the peculiar design.

“Glad I’m not the only one,” said gaming content creator Lex.

Luminosity streamer Morg added: “Same. Multiple, too.”

As the chaos continued, more women chimed in to say that they also felt the Horizon heirloom looked very familiar. Meanwhile, men shared memes admitting their cluelessness or just laughing along with the mayhem. Over on Apex Legends’ official Twitter, most people were just applauding the design and talking about how much they wanted to get it.

Respawn Entertainment has not reacted to the dirty jokes regarding the Horizon heirloom. It’s unclear if the Gravity Maw will have a design change but the goofing and gaffing is harmless so most likely not.