Apex Legends art contest invites custom medal designs

By Olivia Richman


Jul 26, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Respawn Entertainment has announced an art contest that will help them finalize their Community Awards feature. 

Since April, developers have been testing Reddit’s Community Awards feature, which allows subreddits to give out customized medals. The medals will be content specific to a subreddit’s culture and topic, and moderators can give out the medals as awards to posts or comments they deem worthy. 

“Instead of us choosing all of the names and images for the awards, we thought it’d be fun to have a contest for it instead,” the developers said on the Reddit post. 

They went on to give an example of one possible design, Octane’s jump pad. They explaned that this would be used as an award instead of Reddit’s silver, gold, and platinum medals. First through seventh-place participants will have their icon added to a personal unique flair, and they’ll also receive credit for the design. 

The medals will also be available for purchase, set to the price the mods select. Awards can be priced between 500 and 40,000 coins. They will only be available for use within the Apex Legends subreddit, and a portion goes to the community stash. The mods use this collection to reward specific users. 

“We’ve got ideas for doing community contests and would be using the stash to award the winners,” the developers stated. 

The art challenge’s rules were shared on Reddit as well. 

Participants must upload their design to imgur.com and then provide the link on this Reddit post, along with a brief description. The image should be at least 512 px, and no larger than 2MB. The PNG must have equal width and height. 

All designs are welcome, but they must be safe for work, and cannot contain gore or sexual content. 

The thread containing the entries will be in contest mode, hiding comment vote scores and randomizing comment order.The mods will then collect all submissions and create a voting thread in contest mode. The winners will be determined by the most up-voted comments. 

Fans have until July 28 to submit their contributions to the subreddit. 

This is Apex Legend’s first community contest. Before Season 2 dropped, Respawn Entertainment had seemed quite distant with their players. Fans often discussed the developer’s lack of communication when it came to various concerns with cheaters and bugs. Efforts such as this one could be a step in the right direction.