
100T Nadeshot responds to accusations from The Mob House

By Olivia Richman


Aug 30, 2022

Reading time: 3 min

Matthew “Nadeshot” Haag has responded to accusations that 100 Thieves is a predatory organization that refuses to fairly pay its content creators.

On August 29, The Mob House member Erind “Froste” Puka decided to “drunk tweet” about his experience while working as a content creator for esports and gaming organization 100 Thieves. Froste said he missed The Mob House but felt its potential was wasted due to a lack of financial support from 100 Thieves.

“Imagine we had enough money to where we didn’t have to stress over where our next meal was coming from,” Froste said.

Froste added that the location they lived while working for 100 Thieves had poor internet that this made it frustrating to create videos.

Nadeshot responds to accusations that 100 Thieves didn’t pay content creators

100 Thieves signed The Mob in 2019, but the content group left 100T the start of 2021. During that time, Froste claimed that the squad was unable to do anything “worth filming” due to their lack of funding. He even said the entire crew was “broke.”

Streaming on Twitch, Nadeshot decided to defend the 100 Thieves organization. He explained that the content creators “weren’t very big” so there “wasn’t a lot of opportunity.”

“We felt like we were doing a good service by bringing them into 100 Thieves,” Nadeshot said.

According to Nadeshot, the content creators were paid about $2,500 a month on top of a $2,500 budget for content creation each month. This was apparently not enough for the The Mob House, since they decided to rent a home that cost $10,000 a month.

While Nadeshot’s supporters were quick to come to his aid and even commented that he sounded like he cared about The Mob House, Froste claimed that Nadeshot was “lying.”

“Do you guys think we wanted to pay $10k a month for rent? There were periods there where I had negative dollars in my bank account. The amount of times I had to ask my parents for help is ridiculous,” Froste responded.

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While Nadeshot was quick to discuss the monthly income of The Mob, Froste claimed that 100 Thieves took almost all of their money from sponsorship deals. The initial contract stated that 100 Thieves could take 95% of income from sponsors, leaving the members of The Mob House with 5%. The Mob was able to negotiate 100 Thieves down to a 85% split instead, though some from 100T claimed the split was closer to 65%.

Other members of The Mob House also came forward after seeing the drama between Froste and Nadeshot. Classify admitted that his feelings were hurt over Nadeshot saying The Mob members didn’t have a strong work ethic.

On the other side of things, 100 Thieves co-owner Jack “CouRage” Dunlop said his heart was hurting after seeing Froste “taking shots” at Nadeshot. CouRage added that Nadeshot was The Mob’s “biggest fan” and had given them the “opportunity of a lifetime.”