Apex Legends - 2023 february

Apex legends dataminer

EA lays off over 200 Apex Legends employees over Zoom

EA just laid off 200 Apex Legends employees, leaving the gaming community shocked and concerned for...

By Olivia Richman


Feb 28, 2023

Crypto Apex Mobile

What are the orientation matches in Apex Legends

Season 16 of Apex Legends, called Revelry, features some interesting changes, including a better experience...

By Melany Moncada


Feb 25, 2023

Did EA just secretly cancel Titanfall 3?

Did EA just cancel Titanfall 3 before it was ever announced? EA and Respawn have reportedly canceled...

By Nicholas James


Feb 2, 2023

Can you get refund after Apex Legends Mobile shuts down?

EA has shut down Apex Legends Mobile, and however sad it may be, players are more concerned about...

By Fariha Bhatti


Feb 2, 2023