Yone is set to receive his first real nerf in patch 10.17

By Christian Vejvad


Aug 18, 2020

Reading time: 3 min

Yone and other champions are set to receive nerfs in upcoming patch 10.17, according to Riot Games lead gameplay designer Mark “Scuffy” Yetter. 

The next patch will be a small one but will be affecting some of the best solo queue champions in the game at the moment. A few champions can also look forward to much-needed buffs, in this case mostly for marksmen who have fallen out of the meta. 

Current patch 10.16 has been filled with champions that are a bit overpowered, which has resulted in frustrations from some in the community. Some of these champions were buffed in the most recent patches, but will now be seeing those buffs partially reverted. 

Yone receives his first nerf after his release

  • Q – Mortal Steel, base damage 20-120 >> 20-100
  • R – Fate Sealed, no longer lifesteals

Yone will be one of the biggest talking points in the upcoming patch since he has just entered the league. Even though his solo queue win rates have been low, Riot has decided to tone down his damage on Mortal Steel (Q) and remove the lifesteal from his ultimate Fate Sealed. 

Nerfs for both Caitlyn and Hecarim in patch 10.17

Caitlyn and Hecarim have received substantial buffs over the past few patches and Riot is now accepting that they have gone too far. 


  • Movement Speed 330 >> 325

Caitlyn got buffed in patch 10.15 when her base movement speed and attack damage were increased. These buffs were enough to put the lane bully marksman back in the meta, and she is now seen as one of the strongest champions in the game. 

Scuffy admitted on Twitter that Riot overshot the mark with these buffs and is now looking to revert them partially. Caitlyn will keep her base attack damage upgrade, but the movement speed change will be reverted. These changes might be enough to keep Caitlyn at a more balanced level without having too many advantages in the laning phase. 


  • E – Devastating Charge, movement speed 25-100% >> 25-85% over three seconds.

Another champion that will be hit with a partial revert is Hecarim. His Devastating Charge (E) got a big buff in patch 10.16, increasing his movement speed during the duration of the ability. This increase will be reduced again, but not quite back to the original state of the ability. 

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Several marksmen will be buffed in patch 10.17

The list of buffs is not long in this patch preview, but a lot of love will be given to some of the weaker marksmen in the game. Varus, Xayah, and Kai’Sa will all be receiving needed buffs, hopefully making them more viable in the bottom lane. 

While these buffs are not big changes, all three will get a boost on their base stats and scaling which can make a big difference on Summoner’s Rift. 


  • Attack speed per level 3 >> 3.75%


  • Attack damage per level 2.9 >> 3.5


  • Attack damage per level 1.7 >> 2
  • E – Supercharge, attack speed 40-60 >> 40-80%