xQc reveals why he was kicked out of a TwitchCon party

By Olivia Richman


Oct 1, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Twitch streamer Felix “xQc” Lengyel’s bad behavior got him kicked out of a TwitchCon party over the weekend. 

After a three-day weekend of meet and greets and conferences at TwitchCon, xQc decided to unwind at some afterparties with Chance “Sodapoppin” Morris. But things quickly got out of hand when the two decided to cause a scene at a more formal gathering.  

The former Overwatch League star recapped the experience with his fans on Twitch. Along with Sodapoppin and Mizkif, xQc attended a Corsair afterparty full of well dressed “boomers.” The streamers decided to chill in the hot tub, stripping down to their boxers before hopping in. 

According to xQc, the group soon realized that they had left their drinks quite far away. The controversial streamer felt awkward getting out of the pool in just his boxers, but he claims Soda allegedly pranked him into the stunt. 

“I didn’t want to go naked in front of all the boomers. But Soda said, ‘Dude, if you do it, I’m going with you.I got you,'” said xQc. 

xQc got out of the hot tub, thinking Sodapoppin was following him. But xQc soon noticed that Sodapoppin was nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, it was too late for xQc, who was already standing in the crowd with wet boxers. 

“I’m on my own in my boxers with all the fucking well dressed people,” he said with a laugh. 

Still, he decided to go forward with the plan. He shuffled through the crowd, “wetting a bunch of people,” and then grabbed the drinks before heading back to the pool. His antics didn’t go unseen at the event, and the group was told their time at the party was done. 

Even though xQc and his buddies were not able to enjoy that party to the fullest extent, it didn’t seem like xQc was too bothered by the outcome. He told the story with a laugh, wearing a smile on his face the whole time. And it seemed like his followers found it entertaining as well, which is probably a more desired outcome for someone like xQc, who is known for voicing strong opinions and exhibiting controversial behaviors to the delight of his fans.

xQc had another mishap at TwitchCon that turned into a pretty positive situation.

The streamer revealed that he had broken his phone at TwitchCon. It was so bad, in fact, that he had glass shards pricking his hands whenever he tried to use it. Team SoloMid’s Fortnite star, Ali “Myth” Kabbani, came to the rescue by offering his phone to xQc. 

Myth recalled how happy it made xQc, who responded by giving him a big hug and repetitively thanking him for the gift. Although the two streamers seem to have bonded over this TwitchCon fiasco, Myth and xQc have yet to play Fortnite or Overwatch together on stream.