Worlds pros are breaking into top 10 on the Chinese super server

Reading time: 2 min

All teams at the 2020 League of Legends World Championship have been in Shanghai for several weeks now, grinding their solo queue ranking towards the top of the Chinese super server. 

The pros are starting to reach the top spots on the server with some impressive win rates. Fnatic top laner Gabriël “Bwipo” Rau and Team Liquid support Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in have been the top performers from the west for many weeks now and are still up at the top. 

Bwipo is currently ranked as number eight on the server with almost 1500 LP and a 55% win rate. He has played a total of 267 games, making him one of the biggest solo queue grinders at the Worlds 2020 event. 

CoreJJ is sitting right behind him at rank 11, trailing Bwipo by only 24 LP. Unfortunately, CoreJJ won’t be grinding any further on the Chinese super server as Liquid has been knocked out of the tournament and will likely be traveling back to North America soon. CoreJJ managed to gain his rank with just 168 games played at a whopping 59.5% win rate. 

Further down on the list are G2 Esports support Mihael “Mikyx” Mehle and Rogue bot laner Steven “Hans Sama” Liv, both close to hitting the top 20 ranks on the server.

Bwipo has improved at Worlds 2020

Just like scrims, solo queue isn’t the best indicator of how a team or player will perform on stage. But Bwipo’s grind on the Chinese super server seems to have paid off in some ways for him. 

Bwipo has been way more confident in lane at this year’s Worlds after failing to deliver in the 2020 LEC Summer Split final where Fnatic lost 0-3 to G2 Esports. Bwipo had a total of 15 deaths in the LEC final, but has refined his play at the Worlds stage. 

Fnatic will be fighting for a quarterfinals spot on October 10 when they will have to go toe-to-toe with Gen.G and LGD Gaming. All three teams are sitting at a 2-1 record, so there is not a lot of room for misplays. 
