Wadid parts way with FlyQuest, announces free agency

By Marta Juras


Nov 12, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

FlyQuest has released Kim “Wadid” Bae-in from the organization’s League of Legends roster.

FlyQuest confirmed Wadid’s release on Twitter, thanking him for the time he spent with the team and wishing him success in his future endeavors.

Soon after, Wadid followed up with a Tweet announcing that he is a free agent for the first time since the beginning of his professional career. He’s looking to return to action and is open to competing in any region.

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Wadid later added a video sharing his thoughts on the situation.

“I want to thank all FlyQuest staff and players because they were fully supportive of me and made it comfortable to perform,” Wadid said. “I was really happy to be there, but we just had a different idea about the future, so that’s why we decided to part ways.”

Wadid called his 2019 season a failure compared to the prior year, but added he learned a lot from the experience. He states he is ready to improve and do whatever it takes to help his new team win. He also thanked his fans for their support, saying they’re the reason he keeps playing.

Wadid was a part of the G2 Esports roster that made it to the 2018 League of Legends World Championship semifinals. He was acquired by Rogue in the following season, but decided to leave the LoL European Championship after an unsatisfying performance. He eventually joined FlyQuest’s academy team, believing it was a chance to prove himself. It was also Wadid’s first venture to the North American scene.

He was promoted to FlyQuest’s main roster, but the organization struggled throughout the year. It finished the 2019 LCS Summer Split in ninth place and fell well short of qualifying for the 2019 League of Legends World Championship.

Wadid’s fans have been supportive nonetheless, saying they will follow him and cheer for him no matter which region he plays in next.