Valorant players highlight a wall-hack glitch triggered by Kay/O’s abilities

By Fariha Bhatti


Jun 23, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

Valorant’s smart bot, Kay/O, has received tons of praises for being balanced. But a new glitch is rendering him overpowered in ranked games. 

Valorant players are no stranger to wall-hack glitches triggered by BlastX wrappers in the past. It seems that Kay/O’s addition hasn’t only shaken up the meta but also the walls as numerous players have noticed a weird bug that exposes the enemies’ position through Kay/O’s triangle pointer. 

A Reddit user shared a clip from map Split, in which Kay/O activated his ultimate to deactivate opposition’s power within his range. While his ability suppressed the enemy’s toolkit, it also exposed their position. The insane bug earned the Kay/O player a free kill through the barrier, thanks to Valorant’s paper-thin walls.

The purpose of the violet pointer is to notify the agent that his NULL/CMD has successfully crushed the enemy’s toolkit. However, players are able to see the marker through solid objects, much like a wallhack. The pointer is small and extremely precise so it’s pretty easy to follow it and get kills by spamming the triangle.

Many people thought it was triggered by Kay/O’s ultimate but a clip shared by commentator Mitch “MitchMan” McBride MitchMan showed that the glitch is random. 

The commentator had used Kay/O’s zero point, which suppressed Sova’s ability and exposed the enemy. In a second clip, the bug was triggered randomly, earning MitchMan another wall-bang kill. This bug is likely due to tremendous changes in Episode 3, which brings heaps of modifications to ranks, agents, and weapons. 

Fortunately, game designer Ryan Cousart noticed this major bug and reassured that the developers would examine it deeply. Many players have still not unlocked Kay/O, so the bug encounter has been rare. However, it can be game-breaking in ranked games as the agent gets older and more players get to try him out. Riot Games will likely deliver a hotfix for the glitch in the upcoming patches. 

Can Kay/O revive himself in Valorant?

Kay/O can not revive himself in Valorant but he can be brought back to life by his allies. If Kay/O gets shot down while he’s overloaded, he automatically enters a destabilized state, allowing teammates to stabilize his core and activate him.