Valorant patch 2.01 nerfs Jett, brings big changes to Split

By Olivia Richman


Jan 20, 2021

Reading time: 3 min

Valorant has pushed out another update as developers have taken the game’s mascot down a peg. 

Patch 2.01 has a short list of changes but brought some major changes to the tactical shooter. Jett’s smokes were buffed a while ago, but Riot Games is rolling back those gains in a way that should see Jett’s versatility reduced The other big change is to Split, which has been updated to give attackers more of a fair chance. 

Valorant Patch 2.01 nerfs Jett smokes

Jett Valorant nerf

Jett saw only one change but it was a big one. Her smoke ability, Cloudburst, had its duration greatly decreased from seven seconds down to 4.5. 

According to Jeff Landa, Valorant comms associate, this change was a continuation of the controller changes made in Patch 2.0. Jett’s smoke duration was increased from four to seven back in Patch 1.0, but now it’s being “partially undone.” That’s because Jett had become a controller substitute for some teams, using her Cloudburst to aggressively make space without the need for a controller at all. 

“This is part of a pattern of duelists superseding more utility-focused agents that we will continue to look at in the future,” Landa said. 

In response, Jett’s smokes need to have a shorter duration. Her smoke will still allow her to make a temporary window for her team, but a controller will now be needed to execute high action plays with “team-focused vision blocking.” 

Valorant Patch 2.01 makes major changes to Split

Developers focused their Split changes on improving attacker options. They also reduced 50/50 checks, the depth of corners, and opened up specific areas by increasing chokepoint widths.  

B Main doorway width was increased, making it easier for attackers to navigate without getting stalled by defenders. There is also a crate attackers can use for cover on the other side of the doorways, allowing them to throw utility from a different angle. B Main also received a new trash pile in the corner, which prevents defenders from hiding too deep in that area.

Valorant Split update

Split’s Spike plant zone boundary was also increased. This gives attackers a new Spike plant location to defend from inside B Main. B Site was also given a new material stack players could use for cover, allowing agents to isolate angles more effectively. It also breaks up a vertical 50/50 angle players once had when peeking into the site from B Main. Reduced depth of this corner ensures that attackers can push into a defender spawn a bit more safely. 

The Vent Room sees its entrance increased. A sloped wall has also been added to this area, removing another 50/50 check players had when entering Vent Room from Mid. When agents come from Mid, the new sloped wall also protects them from wall penetration. 

Split should feel more open after developers simplified the Ramen/Scuttle Crab area. Teams can push through and clear the area without having to rely on utility as heavily. 

Split Valorant update

The doorway to A Tower also had its doorway width increased. This reduces the safety of defenders in A Tower. It also increased the value of controlling A Ramps. A few other walls and areas were changed by Valorant developers, creating more opportunities for attackers without having to rely on controllers so heavily. 

To see all of the changes developers made to Split, check out the full Patch 2.01 notes. The update also included the ability to hide custom game results from Match History and a few social updates and bug fixes. 



