TSM destroys Team Liquid, advances to 2020 LCS Summer Finals

By Melany Moncada


Sep 6, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

Team SoloMid has qualified for the 2020 LCS Summer Split finals after taking down Team Liquid.

TSM is one step closer to getting its first LCS title since 2017 and got revenge upon Liquid in the intense five-game semifinal series. With this result, Liquid qualified for Worlds as the LCS’ third seed, but will have to go through the play-in stage.

TSM continues its redemption journey en route to LoL Worlds 2020

TSM delivered on its promise and has earned a spot in the LCS Summer Finals with a dominant performance over Team Liquid. Now, TSM will face FlyQuest to determine who’s getting the top seed at the 2020 League of Legends World Championship.

Game one set the mood for the series. Jungler Mingyi “Spica” Lu started the game with proactive plays across the map. Team Liquid tried to respond forcing plays, but at every turn, TSM got the better of fights. Spica, the youngest player in the LCS, continued to have an outstanding performance throughout the entire series.

Team Liquid bounced back in games two and three, getting two consecutive wins. In games four and five, TSM turned things around with a surprising Shen pick in the jungle. In the current meta, Shen is not particularly high on the priority list for junglers. If Shen falls behind early, there’s little to nothing that he can do to assist its team in the late game.

It was a high risk, high reward play by TSM, but the squad decided to trust its jungler. Top laner Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik and mid laner Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg were there for Spica every step of the way and for the first time since the 2017, TSM looked comfortable playing around its jungler.

TSM went for comfort in the final game of the series by picking Irelia for Broken Blade and Zillean for Bjergsen. These two picks were enough to push TSM through the final line.

Broken Blade’s Irelia was unstoppable. In every skirmish, the top laner found his way to the back line to annihilate Edward “Tactical” Ra. Without its main source of damage, there was nothing that Liquid could do in team fights except for retreating.

Liquid had no response for the TSM draft and while it played as best as it could with the tools it had, it wasn’t enough to stop TSM. Over 40 minutes into game five, TSM found a final fight inside the Liquid base and took the enemies out one by one.

TSM is playing against FlyQuest on September 6 at 3 PM, CST.