Team Liquid support CoreJJ is the 2020 LCS Summer Split MVP

Reading time: 2 min

The 2020 LCS Summer Split Honda MVP award goes to Team Liquid support Jo “Corejj” Yong-in after another impressive split.

As we are entering the LCS finals weekend, the final summer split award has been announced. CoreJJ wins the award with 146 points, followed by Team SoloMid mid laner Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg as the runner-up with 111 points. Cloud9 jungler Robert “Blaber” Huang comes in at third with 44 points. 

The MVP race started out with 10 candidates, which have been decreased in the last few weeks as other awards were handed out. The final two were CoreJJ and Bjergsen, two players that have been standing out among the rest all split. 

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CoreJJ and Bjergsen have been close in the race for the MVP award throughout this split, as both players have carried their respective teams to much more successful splits compared to the spring. 

Bjergsen has most impressed through the playoffs, while CoreJJ has been consistently good throughout all regular split weeks. This might have been the deciding factor, since the MVP award is based on the regular split performance. 

This is the second MVP award for CoreJJ, the last coming in the 2019 LCS Spring Split. At the time, CoreJJ got a total of 158 assists and a 74.9% kill participation. In this split, he got a total of 139 assists with 70.5% kill participation. 

Most importantly, CoreJJ has been the key factor for Liquid in its team fights, consistently pulling off great engagements. He has also been crushing the vision score, giving his team the best possible conditions to succeed. 

CoreJJ and the rest of Liquid will clash with Team SoloMid on September 5 for the last spot in the LCS final.  


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