Tarzaned reaches Top 50 on Korean servers in just one week

By Olivia Richman


Apr 2, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Tarzaned apparently got bored one day and decided to go from Diamond to the top 50 on Korean League of Legends servers in under a week. 

The Canadian streamer reported that he got to Masters rank with an 80 percent win rate, boasting 36 wins to just nine losses. Along the way, Tarzaned beat such top players as Jeong “Apdo” San-gil and none other than the legendary Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, known as the best League of Legends players in the game’s history. 

Tarzaned peaked at about 470 LP. That’s when he started going on a huge loss streak thanks to purported imbalanced matchmaking. 

“I got tilted and started playing bad, but whatever. I’m glad I could reach top 50 on the Korean server in pretty much a week,” Tarzaned said. 

His account, WE Mystic, was banned soon after. In Korea, League accounts are tied to a social security number, but Tarzaned isn’t a Korean citizen. Therefore, he had to buy the account to even play on the servers. 

Despite being a top ranked jungler with the ability to beat Faker and other elite pro players, Tarzaned has never been signed to a pro team thanks to his toxic behavior. 

In Season 6, Tarzaned surpassed Cloud9’s Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi and Henrik “Froggen” Hansen in his journey to become North America’s top solo queue player. But around the same time, Tarzaned was getting multiple account bans for repeated threats of violence and verbal abuse towards his in-game teammates. 

At the end of 2016, Tarzaned was to fully take part in Riot’s Scouting Grounds event, in which would allow the top four highest ranked players from each of the game’s five positions would compete for teh chance to receive a contract with a pro team. But a player behavior check that looks into previous bans and suspensions caused Tarzaned’s application to be quickly declined by Riot.

Riot’s ruling included a lot of Tarzaned’s past social media tyrades, including tweets of him saying, “Do I get anything for finishing 1st on ladder except a bunch of egirls on my cock?” 

Tarzaned then turned to account boosting. 

In 2017, Tarzaned vowed to stop boosting and promised to stop being a toxic player. He joined a roster of aspiring pros to take on the Summer NA Challenger Series Open Qualifier. They easily made it through the first round, but the team soon replaced Tarzaned for his toxic behavior, including threatening the team’s support player with physical violence. 

While Tarzaned apparently has the skills to compete – and beat – pros in all regions, his continued toxic behaviors have left him without a pro team for the entirety of his League of Legends career.