Svenskeren and Zeyzal to transfer to Evil Geniuses for LCS 2020
According to a report by ESPN’s Jacob Wolf, Evil Geniuses and Cloud9 have reached an agreement that will see jungler Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen and support Tristan “Zeyzal” Stidam transferred to the new franchise.
The move won’t be official until November 18 when the free agency period officially opens.
Cloud9 is looking for a fresh start
After a disappointing end to its run at the 2019 League of Legends World Championship, Cloud9 is ready to make changes. The team is losing two core members of its starting roster.
Svenskeren joined the team in 2018 after parting ways with Team SoloMid. He quickly became a fundamental part of the roster and helped the team enjoy LCS success in both 2018 and 2019. In Summer 2019, Svenskeren earned the MVP title and was considered one of the best junglers heading to Worlds.
Unfortunately, C9 and Svenskeren had a mediocre showing at Worlds that saw the team eliminated from the main event group stage.
During the event, Svenskeren only played two out of six games. C9 instead started Robert “Blaber” Huang, who has been considered one of the most promising junglers in the game. He is likely to take on full-time starting duties.
Zeyzal was promoted from C9 Academy in 2018 when former support Andy “Smoothie” Ta parted ways with the team. Zeyzal was a contender for the Rookie of the Split title in his debut season, but Blaber won by a 13-point margin.
Losing Svenskeren and Zeyzal blows C9’s roster wide open. The team can look to fill its freshly opened import slot with a new jungler from Europe.
Svenskeren and Zeyzal are a solid foundation for an Evil Geniuses organization that recently acquired Echo Fox’s slot in the league. The team will join the LCS after years of not competing in League of Legends.
The organization wants a fresh start and by the looks of it, is willing to heavily invest in a winning roster for spring.
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