SmashGodxXx tries to erase streamed proof of girlfriend’s abuse

By Olivia Richman


Apr 7, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

A Twitch streamer known as SmashGodxXx was met with disgust and horror when he slapped and abused his girlfriend during a live stream. 

During the stream, Hitoshi “SmashGodxXx” Uechi moved his webcam to the side and then loudly smacked his girlfriend. Instead of taking responsibility for the abuse, SmashGodxXx told his viewers that they had actually caused the argument between them. When his girlfriend continued to cry after the violence, SmashGodxXx then told her it was her fault that it was happening. 

“She’s finally realizing how much drama she can cause by a little thing like us ‘playing around’ like that,” SmashGodxXx told his chat. “[She]’s crying, but that’s not going to help something or do something.” 

SmashGodxXx then pulled his girlfriend into a hug, which she resists. He demanded she go along with his antics or he that would “beat the shit” out of her. 

The horrific moment unsurprisingly had streamers disgusted with the personality and demanding he be banned from Twitch. The streaming platform obliged later that day. 

Meanwhile, YouTubers and streamers continued to make videos discussing the shocking abuse and manipulation. Reddit was also full of threads talking about the seriousness of the situation. In response, SmashGodxXx called on his mods to bury any posts about him. On Discord, he told fans to downvote threads discussing the abuse. 

SmashGodxXx sends cease and desist letters after streamed abuse

But now SmashGodxXx is taking his campaign even further. Multiple YouTubers have come forward to state that the domestic abuser has sent cease and desist letters and demanding they take down videos they made about the situation. 

The shamed content creator also posted the cease and desist letter on his own Twitter, demanding that everyone stop making videos about the disturbing stream. But all of his efforts to silence other streamers have not worked thus far. Some streamers even stated they would not remove any videos and would go to court if necessary. 

Twitter users also mocked SmashGodxXx for creating the document in the first place. Others noted that the cease and desist letter wasn’t even formatted correctly and would never hold up in court. 

Right now, it appears that SmashGodxXx’s attempts to silence other content creators have only brought more attention to the situation.