Showmatch between MAD Lions and Team Tyler1 is called off

By Marta Juras


Jan 11, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

The showmatch between LEC team MAD Lions and Team Tyler1 from Twitch Rivals won’t be happening. And even if it were to somehow come through, there will be no broadcast of the game.

Just two days ago, MAD Lions challenged League of Legends streamer and Team Tyler1 member Christian “IWDominate” Rivera on a match in response to him teasing the team’s Twitter follower count. IWDominate answered that he’d gladly play against the LEC team. And so the showmatch between Team Tyler1 and MAD Lions was set in place to happen this Saturday.

But shortly ahead of the planned showmatch, fans were disappointed to hear they won’t be able to watch it if it even happens in the first place.

LEC rules don’t allow MAD Lion’s to stream vs. Team Tyler1

Fans were excited to see what a team of streamers can do against five pro players, even though MAD Lions’ new roster still has a lot to prove. However, MAD Lions is contracted under strict rules of the franchised LoL European Championship. And it seems the contract with the league doesn’t allow a showmatch of this kind happening.

“Hey everyone, sorry to say this but we’re not able to make this happen on such little time,” MAD Lions’ manager Till Werdermann tweeted. “We’re still down to scrim, but we’re not contractually allowed to have it be broadcast by anyone.”

This was also later confirmed by IWDominate, who shared the team is having problems with the LEC contract which doesn’t allow the showmatch to be streamed. He also said the showmatch is possibly getting called off entirely.

IWDominate then tried to catch attention of the LEC, asking if there’s a way of working around the contract. A number of fans tried to help as well, but to no response.

MAD Lions LEC 2020 Spring roster:

  • Andrei “Orome” Popa – Top
  • Zhiqiang “Shadow” Zhao – Jungle
  • Marek “Humanoid” Brázda – Mid
  • Matyáš “Carzzy” Orság – Bot
  • Norman “Gistick” Kaiser – Support