Riot releases Yone trailer, new champion reported to launch soon

By Chase Mulonas


Jul 16, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

Following the announcement of the newest League of Legends champion Lillia, Riot Games is not wasting any time getting this year’s Spirit Blossom event underway.

Riot has released a trailer for yet another champion: Yasuo’s greatly anticipated brother, Yone.

With the amount of buzz surrounding Yone’s release, which includes more than a few leaks regarding the champion’s appearance and in-game lore, Riot has all but officially confirmed him as League of Legends’ 150th champion. 

The fight ends with a cliffhanger. Yone is shown in the next scene merged with some of the physical traits of the demon he fought, and the monster’s blade is in his hand.

In the trailer, Yone’s original human form is identical to his leaked Spirit Blossom skin, while the last frame of the trailer offers a darker look based on the supposed official splash art for the champion.  

Yone’s ongoing conflict with his younger half-brother will definitely add depth and weight to the backstory of both champions. Long considered dead in the game’s official lore, it remains to be seen how Riot plans to bring Yone back from the grave.

Yone to be released in patch 10.16 with Spirit Blossom skin 

Within the last few weeks, data miners have leaked numerous hints pointing to Yone’s upcoming release. League of Legends streamer Camilla “Streamiebr” Falk released a series of posts indicating the release was imminent.

With her already having predicted Lillia’s release, there could be credibility to her claims.  And with patch 10.16’s release announced for August 5, it seems Yone could be coming sooner rather than later.