Riot gives a first look at the new upcoming item icon updates

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League of Legends lead gameplay designer Mark “Scuffy” Yetter recently released the first sneak peek at some of the game’s upcoming item icon changes. 

The changes are a part of the big item overhaul scheduled for the 2021 preseason, which is now only a few months away. The recent sneak peek includes a new icon to B.F Sword, Rabadon’s Deathcap, and Bramble Vest. Scuffy mentioned on Twitter that the new designs are still a work in progress, so we might see more changes depending on community feedback. 

B.F Sword

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The first item that will receive an icon update is the B.F Sword, an item that has been in the game since the alpha version. The B.F Sword is a basic item that is built into several important attack damage items, so the demand for it is usually pretty big. 

The old icon has been around for over 10 years now, and this Riot a great opportunity to give it a more modern look. 

Rabadon’s Deathcap

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Rabadon’s Deathcap is another item that most people are familiar with and have bought numerous times while playing. The item itself has stayed the same for a while, giving a massive boost to ability power. The item is a must-have for most mages and a key part of many high-damage builds. 

Its new look will change the color of the cap itself and replace the two eyes in front with a big orange sphere. 

Bramble Vest

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Bramble Vest is a newer item, but it is already due for a makeover. The item was introduced in season seven as a component to Thornmail. The item is mostly used on tanks in the top lane, especially against champions who deal a lot of basic attack damage. 

The old look of Bramble Vest is fairly plain and uninspiring, so the new update will definitely give it a more appealing look that also fits the Thornmail theme better. 

The new item icons are revealed after a blog post last month, where Riot announced its plans for the upcoming preseason. The plans are heavily focused on items, so a preview of the new icons seems fitting. We will still have to wait for more details on the actual item reworks, something that we should expect within the next months.

The last patch in season 10 is expected to hit the live servers on December 9.